Page 3 of The Lost Child

He chuckled, and with one hand around me and one hanging onto the chain, jumped. I screamed with delight even as the water from the landing flooded into my boots. There was likely a hole in them. A rigging man named O’Toole had given them to me when my other pair had worn out. Everything I wore was given to me by someone else–my rough leggings with the bottoms rolled up, the overly large shirt that was nonetheless warm, and even the small leather thong that kept my hair up and out of my face.

Jack let go of me. “How about you sit up here, eh? Then at least one of us could see.”

Before I could respond, he easily hefted me up and over his head, my legs wrapping around his broad shoulders and squeezing his head lightly.

“I’m too heavy!” I insisted, my hands pushing down on his head to try and maintain my balance. His coarse beard hair scraped along my palms.

“Psh, Nerissa,” he huffed. “Long and lean like a minnow, youse are.” He shifted me around, then tapped my leg. “What do you see?”

I focused and peered out over everyone assembled. The men were easily six deep stretched out, with my father and one of his captains standing together in the front. Between them was a large iron cage with a dirty, naked boy.

At first, I was too shocked to react. He looked a few years older than me, but still far from the cusp of manhood I was used to seeing. I couldn’t see much through the thick mist that was constant around the island, but I saw enough. Why did my father have a boy in a cage?

A bolt of fear went through me; would he putmein a cage if I displeased him enough?

Blind Barny opened the cage and guided the young boy out by the wrist, holding onto him tightly. I squinted as if that would make it all clearer. The boy was a little taller than me with bright red hair that was matted with filth. Speaking of dirty, his entire body was covered in a layer of dirt and grime. Pirates weren’t the cleanest people around, but this boy looked like he’d never bathed before in his life.

This was hardly a weapon of some kind! It was just another boy washed up from a shipwreck. We had at least one a month. One of the other men would be ordered to care for him and find him a place in our company. Probably Blind Barny if the way he seemed to hover over the boy was any indication.

Though I still didn’t understand the cage.

Huffing, I relayed just as much to Jack, who seemed confused but gently set me down when I asked. I weaved through the men, sneaking back toward one of my favorite caves that had a small waterfall. The cold freshwater would feel good on my aching bum, and with all the excitement father would forget about me for at least for a day or so.

I toddled off, only looking back once at the cowering figure. He’d better toughen up, or he’d get eaten alive.



“Nerissa! We don’t know where he went!”

I ducked under my opponent's blade, spinning to face Jagger. His sword tip pointed toward where the dinghies were strapped to the side of the ship. The smaller boats were used to shuttle people from the boat to shore and back again. I was glad I’d twisted my hair up this morning, anticipating a fight.

The deck under my feet was slick with blood, but I couldn’t think about that now. My father had entrusted me to capture this vessel and bring back the captain.

It was my first mission with men under me. I wouldn’t fuck this up.

I squinted, catching a flash of dark hair disappearing over the rail. Growling, I ran toward the side of the boat. Apparently, this one had no intention of going down with the ship. I jumped up on the capstan, the giant wheel that helped you pull up anchors or ropes. All the handles had been sheared off by swords and cutlasses.

“Keep fighting! Once the last man hits the deck, loot your bloody hearts out!” I roared over the fight, my men showing a fresh wave of enthusiasm at the promise of whatever they wanted from the ship. I jumped down, flinging my daggers into an enemy’s heart as he reached for me. Without pausing to even glance at his face, I snatched my knives up again and headed for the edge.

I leaned over the railing and cursed when I saw Captain Gaitworth struggling in the rough waters in their tiny getaway boat. He had his first mate with him, a man who was desperately trying to keep them afloat. I didn’t have time to take the only other dinghy after him, and I refused to abandon my crew. I couldn’t jump in or I’d risk drowning. He was quickly getting swept away by the current.

I narrowed my eyes and scanned the carnage on the deck. It had started two-to-one odds, but now only a quarter of Gaitworth’s crew was left, looking more and more like they wanted to surrender. I had to choose between what to do: take down Gaitworth or gain the crew’s surrender. Unless there was a third option.

“JAGGER!” I bellowed, skipping stairs as I rushed to the upper deck so everyone below could see me.

Jagger opened the neck of the man he was fighting, then glanced up at me. I was taken aback for a moment like I always was: his brown hair only shoulder length was tied back in a tight knot unlike most the others. Bright blue eyes followed me with serious intent, trusting and ready to follow any order I gave, so unlike any other man here. I blinked, and forced myself back to the raging battle around us. I pointed to the side where Gaitworth was escaping, making a hand sign for the Weeper. He nodded and took off. I didn’t watch his progress. I trusted him to get the job done. We’d been tight ever since his father, Crusty Jack died. I hadn’t even known Jack had a son until Jagger had shyly introduced himself one day when we were both fourteen. We’ve been inseparable ever since.

I drew a heavy pistol from my waist and shot into the air. “PARLAY!” I screamed and the pitiful remains of Gaitworth’s crew fell to their knees, weapons clattering on the bloody deck. I kept a sharp eye on my crew, watching to ensure they held to the accords, not attacking anyone after they had surrendered.

“If you wish to be spared, keep your hands and knees on the deck. My men will relieve you of your weapons, and you will be taken to a secret location. If you pass inspection there, you may be offered a place in the pirate lord’s own company. If not, you will die. Gerrick?”

Gerrick was middle-aged, but he treated me better than my father and most of the other old men.

He spit on the ground, growling. “Oy, ‘les go now. Didn’t you ‘ear her? Get the weapons!”

My men scrambled to quickly round them all up in a loud, clanging pile in the corner. I slid down the railing to his side, and leaned down into his ear. “Quietly see if this ship is usable. If so, haul it home for parts or repairs. Take them all below. You know what to do,” I ordered quietly. He saluted, but turning on his heel and immediately organizing.