When she finished speaking, a few tears had escaped, but as she wiped them away she realized everyone was staring at her completely spellbound.
“This story needs to be told, and not just to a few people,” Rick murmured, putting his arm around her and breaking the silence. “We should find a writer and—”
“Get it turned into a book,” Marge interrupted excitedly. “There’s a novelist here at Bellwood. I ride with her every day. Bailey, what do you think?”
“Yes, totally. A spotlight has to be shone on this dark, hideous crime. I’ll do whatever I can to make it happen.”
The rodeo finished with Rick holding his lead and winning the title. As he and Bailey celebrated at The Tavern, he asked her to travel with him in the motorhome for the remainder of the tour. She was able to leave her car at Carl’s auto dealership, and as they traveled from show to show his winning streak continued, culminating in a victory at the national finals.
But with the tour over, and not wanting to be separated, they were in a quandary. Rick’s ranch was miles away between Dallas and Fort Worth. The only definite plan was returning to Birchwood for a week where Bailey would be performing at the Bellwood Stables. Mandy would be joining her with Lizzy, and staying with Marge and Carl, while Ben had invited Rick and Bailey to stay in the cabin for a week. Two days after Rick’s triumphant victory, they hit the road for the five hour drive back to Birchwood. Wanting to say hello to Ben before heading up the hill, they turned into his driveway and parked at the back of the house. Before they were even out of the motorhome, they spotted Ben marching from the kitchen to greet them.
“Hey, great to see you. Come in. When you called and said you’d be here in five minutes I started the coffee. It’s hot and waitin’.”
Rick sensed right away his old friend was eager to talk to him, and a few minutes later he found out why.
“I have some excitin’ news,” Ben began. “Big John’s ranch is about to go into foreclosure and I’ve been approached to buy it. I’ve got my hands full with this place, but, Rick, I immediately thought of you.”
“Me? But I’ve got my place in—”
“I know all about that, but you said you wanted a bigger ranch, and you don’t like the weather where you are.”
“Well, yeah, except—”
“Big John’s might need fixin’ up, but it’s a steal, and we’re like family. It would be great to have you next door.”
“Damn...” Rick muttered, dropping his eyes to the table, then taking a breath, he abruptly stood up. “Excuse me, Ben, I’ll be right back. Bailey, let’s take a walk.”
“As long as we’re not too long. Miss Piggy will be arriving soon.”
“I’ll deal with her,” Ben offered. “She can go next to Max. He’s a lover.”
“Okay, thanks, Ben,” she replied as Rick grabbed her hand and led her outside.
“How do you feel about hikin’ up the hill, or we can use the ATV,” he added, seeing it parked nearby.
“I’m tired, but I’d love to stretch my legs and the hike will probably wake me up.”
Ten minutes later, slightly out of breath from the climb, Rick looked down at Big John’s property and pictured white vinyl fencing around the paddocks, a solid shelter for trailer parking, and expanding the riding ring. But he only wanted to take it on if Bailey was at his side. Not as his girlfriend—but as his wife.
“Bailey,” he began, searching for the right words and praying she’d say yes, “when we were with Duke and his parents after what happened with Big John, Carl said,when you got those horses out of that field, you set all this into motion.Do you remember?”
“How could I forget?”
“Puttin’ that man out of business wasn’t the only thing you set into motion. You setusinto motion. When I looked up and saw you at the top of this slope sittin’ on Miss Piggy with Lizzy and Cocoa on either side of you, I knew you were the girl for me. Crazy, beautiful, and absolutely fearless. Bailey, I love you with my whole heart. Will you—?”
“Yes, yes, yes,” she exclaimed, throwing her arms around his neck, “of course I’ll marry you.”
Holding her tightly, he closed his eyes and breathed her in. Suddenly his life felt complete, though he’d never known it wasn’t, and the days, months and years ahead, flashed through his mind as if he was staring into a crystal ball.
* * *
By the time they came back down, Miss Piggy had arrived and was settling into a stall with a corral attached. While Bailey was giving her a carrot, Rick gave Ben the wonderful news.
“Well that’s just great,” he exclaimed. “Mind you, I’m not surprised.”
“About Bailey and me, or buyin’ Big John’s ranch?”