Page 18 of Unspeakable

Jordie didn’t look so sure, and maybe he was smarter than both of us.

“Okay,” he finally said. He eyed the house again. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

“The morning?” I asked.

“Yep. Monthly family breakfast—no excuses accepted.”

“Crap,” Hudson muttered.

“You forgot.”

“I’ve had a lot on my mind, Jord.” He looked around the quiet street. Deeming it safe, he got out of the car then held open my door. He rushed me to the house then inside. The turn of the key in the lock was loud to my ears. It grated over my taut nerves, making me shudder. I’d lived with so much fear, for so long. I couldn’t take much more.

Inside, Hudson reached for the alarm while I flicked the light switch. Nothing happened. For either of us.

A dark chuckle rumbled from the darkness. The moonlight through the windows silhouetted the man. I did need to see his face. I knew his voice.

“You were such a pretty child. I knew you’d be beautiful.”

“What do you want?” Hudson demanded.

“You? Dead. Her… I decide later.”

“The fuck you will.”

“What are you going to do? Call one of your cop friends. It’ll be too late for both of you by the time they get here. Besides…you’ll be dead before you get your phone out of your pocket.”

I saw the glint of silver a moment before it flew. My scream pierced the air and Hudson dove for me. The knife slashed into his shoulder. If he hadn’t moved, hadn’t tried to save me he’d already be dead.

Breathing hard, I caught him and got him to the floor. He tried to refuse but blood was everywhere. I prayed it hadn’t hit an artery.

I knew Maxwell would come for me. Crouched beside Hudson, ready to spring, I planned my strategy. He thought I was weak. Everyone thought I was weak.

“Sparrow, run,” Hudson rasped.

“Yes,” Maxwell taunted. “Run, little girl. I like to chase.”

I didn’t move, grounding myself to power, feeling it in the balls of my feet. I hoped he thought I was cowering in the darkness. If he could see me, he’d know better. The fear that had always haunted me had slipped away. He would not take another person from me. He would not takeme!Red and blue lights flashed over his face.

“Fuck!” he swore. I didn’t shift my gaze from him. He lunged and I surged up, twisting my body and slamming my feet into chest. He careened back, but I didn’t stop. My foot slammed down on his arm while he was down, but his other managed to grab me.

“Bitch! You’re dead.”

“Sparrow,” Hudson yelled and I heard him struggling up.

“I’ve been dead. For ten years,” I screamed. I bucked away from Maxwell, grabbing the arm that had caught me and twisting viciously. “You should have learned to fight with something other than knives, asshole.”

The door slammed open as I was about to attack again. High-powered flashlights filled the room. I held up my hands and staggered back from the man who’d killed my parents.

“Someone call an ambulance. He stabbed Hudson.” I couldn’t see him while I was blinded by the lights. I couldn’t hear him over the noise.

Someone grabbed me and pulled me out of the house while Maxwell was arrested.

“Hudson. Where’s Hudson?”

“I’m here.” I rushed to him. He’d been brought out before me and someone was already dealing with his wound.

“Don’t ever do that again. Holy crap!” he swore.