Page 48 of Death Drop

“What the hell?” I muttered, groping for my purse.

Jasper pulled his from his pocket and stared at the screen. “Someone’s asking me, ‘Is this for real?’ Iswhatfor real?”

Quentin flicked his thumb across his screen and tapped on something. He flipped his phone sideways, squinted, and then went totally rigid in his seat. “Oh, fuck.”

My gut lurched. “What is it?”

He opened his mouth and closed it again, looking too horrified to form words. All he could manage to do was beckon us over to see what had freaked him out so much.



The phone trembledin Quentin’s hand. I couldn’t tell whether it was from anger, shock, or horror, because all three emotions were currently crashing through my body while I stared at the screen. I was dimly aware of Niko’s phone pealing with another alert, but I couldn’t tear my gaze away from the video footage playing within the frame of a public site.

Three figures moved together on a mass of rumpled bedcovers. There was Quentin, sprawled out with his head pressed into the pillow, his hips rocking. Me, bent over his thighs, my face blurred out to censor the most provocative areas while I sucked him off but identifiable in profile when I lifted my head briefly to grin at him. And Jasper, his entire hips area blurred as he pounded into me from behind.

Most of the time as we fucked each other, the average viewer probably couldn’t have recognized us. The footage had been filmed from an angle that was off to the side beyond the foot of the bed. But every now and then we shifted position just enough that all of our features showed clearly.

Míerda. A shiver ran through my body, my skin chilling as if every drop of warming blood had left my veins. My legs wobbled under me, and Rafael grasped my arm to steady my balance. I barely registered the stream of curses mingling English and Spanish that flowed from his lips.

“It’s already gotten more than ten thousand views,” Quentin said in a hollow voice. “They’re shooting up by the second.”

Niko paced behind us with unusual urgency. When I managed to glance over at him, his expression was rigid. “A few major news outlets are already covering the story. They’re calling it a scandal.” His phone went off again, and he flinched. “Someone from the US Figure Skating organization is calling me. I’ve already gotten a message from the Japan Skating Federation. And several news stations.”

“How the hell—how could anyone have recorded this?” I blurted out. “We were in the apartment. It was just the three of us.”

Rafael’s expression turned even more ominous. “Those fucking turncoats! They were taking turns guarding the apartment, remember? What day was it?”

I strained to think back through the whirl of my panicked thoughts. “The day you and Niko went to see about getting more weapons. That’s why you weren’t there.”

Rafael balled his hands into fists. “Frankie was out there on guard duty when we left. That little prick.”

Jasper blinked, looking totally dazed and a little queasy. “He snuck in and recorded us? Why the hell would he do that?”

Rafael grimaced. “The others said he’s been acting off since the mall. He must have been starting to doubt whether he’d picked the right side.”

The pieces clicked together in my head with sickening logic. “He was hedging his bets. Figuring if he should see if he could get anything to buy his way back into my mother’s good graces if he decided to defect right back to her.”

Quentin turned off his phone and then set it face down on the coffee table as if he couldn’t stand to look at even the blank screen anymore. “And after you two told him off today, he did exactly that. It didn’t take long for your mother to find a totally new way to attack us, huh?”

“It didn’t.” I swallowed hard and forced myself to check my own phone.

I had a bunch of messages popping up on my phone from unfamiliar numbers. When I opened up a couple of the social media sites and did a quick search for my skating name, a deluge of commentary on our threesome appeared. And most of it was caustic.



Must have slept her way into the World Championships.

I wonder how many judges she’s done?

Can you imagine being that desperate?

Puking emojis. Vulgar gifs.

My blood was definitely pumping through my veins again, because my cheeks were burning with it. My stomach lurched, and I dismissed the app with a jab of my finger.