Page 31 of Death Drop

Not a competition—a collaboration. As I watched him tangle his fingers in Lou’s hair with a brief jerk that brought an eager gasp to her throat, the twisted sensation smoothed itself out.

He had his own ways of pleasing her, of turning her on. Just like I did.

When we both worked together toward that end, it could only make a more spectacular experience for her, right? No one trying to do better than the other, but the two of us making the best possible moment we could for the woman we loved.

I palmed her breasts from behind and then slid one hand down Lou’s belly to her pussy. When my fingers teased over her mound, she growled impatiently and ground her ass against my rigid cock. My breath caught—and then stopped completely when she reached behind her to grasp my erection.

I muffled my groan by pressing my mouth against her shoulder just above the feathers of her angel wings tattoo. Lou smirked as she stroked me up and down and then moaned when I delved one finger right inside her. With a chuckle, Quentin captured her mouth again, winding his hand tighter into her hair and fondling her breast with the other.

He let out a hiss, and I realized Lou was working over his dick now too. His voice came out low and rough. “Fuck, you know how to pump me just right. Keep that up, and I’m going to explode.”

Dirty talk had never been a particular talent of mine, but Lou appeared to enjoy it. She licked her lips. “That’s the idea.”

Her grip on my cock tightened, and I couldn’t hold back my next groan. “God, I want to be inside you.”

“You are.” Her hips rocked with the motions of my fingers where a second had joined the first inside her. Her cunt was so hot and drenched with arousal beyond anything I could blame on the shower. The feel of her made my dick throb.

Quentin ducked his head to suck one of her nipples into his mouth, and Lou released a full-throated moan that practically had me coming in her hand. I clenched my jaw, struggling for control, and rubbed the heel of my hand against her clit in time with the pulsing of my fingers.

Lou writhed between us, her breath breaking into panting. “Fuck.Fuck. Enough playing around. I need you—both of you—on the bed. Now.”

Neither of us was going to wait for a second invitation. I slammed the shower faucet off, and the three of us stumbled out of the bathroom in a tangle of limbs.

Our feet tracked wet footsteps across the floor, but I don’t think any of us gave a damn. We tumbled onto the bed like one being, Lou grasping my cock again, my fingers teasing between her ass now, Quentin dipping lower to flick his tongue over her clit.

Lou gasped and bucked to meet him. I grazed my teeth along the crook of her neck, and she rolled toward me to yank my mouth to hers. The sheets bunched beneath us, already damp from our untoweled bodies.

We grappled with each other and our shared desire. Lou shifted position between us again and again, and all we could do was follow her lead. I dove in to suckle her breast and then to nip my way down her spine when she rolled toward Quentin again.

For a brief moment, Lou jerked away from us to fumble in her bedside drawer. She tossed a condom packet toward me and then lowered her head over Quentin’s jutting cock where she’d gotten him sprawled beneath her.

My fingers closed around the packet, but my gaze stayed on them. I was getting a front-row seat to my woman delivering an obviously epic blowjob to the one guy I’d have expected to be most infuriated by.

Quentin’s head sagged back against the pillows, his wet hair fanning around his head. A flush had reddened his normally pale cheeks.

“You know just how I like it,” he muttered. “Take it all, Lou, like only you can.”

Should I have been horrified by the sight? Somehow after the intimacy we’d already gotten wrapped up in, not the slightest quaver of discomfort traveled through my nerves. The scene before me simply lookedright.

Especially when Quentin opened his eyes a slit and aimed a pointed look at me. “Are you going to get on with getting her all the way off, or what?”

I could only grin at the playful challenge in his voice. “Hell yes, I am.”

I’d never rolled on a condom faster. I lined myself up and plunged straight into my lover’s slick pussy in one smooth thrust.

Lou cried out against Quentin’s dick, the sound electrifying me. It thinned out into a low moan as I began to thrust. She was so wet, so tight as her inner muscles clenched around me—my mind blanked out, and my primal instincts took over.

I gave her my all, just as I would on the ice. My muscles drove my cock into her with every bit of their coiled strength, and the avid noises escaping her throat only urged me onward. I pounded into her, deeper with each stroke.

Quentin was swaying up to meet her mouth with his own rhythm. His eyes had rolled back.

He was close. I was right on the edge, careening closer with every second her pussy squeezed my dick. But we couldn’t come without her joining us.

I slipped my hand beneath Lou to rub her clit. The sounds leaking from her mouth turned more urgent, and her pussy clamped tighter around me. Then she shuddered with the first ripples of her release.

The sensation propelled me with her. I came hard, my balls tingling, my vision whiting out with brilliant spots. The crash of ecstasy swept through me and left my breath ragged.

Quentin groaned as he joined us. Lou sucked his release down even through her own orgasm, moaning in approval.