Page 29 of Death Drop

Before I could gush any more gratitude, Rafael leaned forward to draw Beckett’s attention. “Hold on a second. What about the rest of the Devil’s Dozen? We’ve gotten threats from representatives of the Bright Dragon and the March Wind.”

“They’ve mentioned their concerns about Lou’s presence in Tokyo,” Beckett said. “But the Deadly Rose ended up confirming that you really are there simply to skate, and they’ve said they’ll withdraw any hostilities. Although again, if they go back on their word, the Blood Hunter and I will back you up against them too.”

He spoke with total confidence, the assured air that made it easier to believe he was one of the most powerful criminals on the planet, but Rafael didn’t look the slightest bit intimidated, let alone cowed. “What good is your help going to do us if you’re on the other side of the world? If more goons start shooting at us, we’re going to need backup immediately.”

My bodyguard kept his voice firm too, without straying into outright aggressive. I couldn’t help admiring his cool-headed response.

Beckett definitely didn’t look offended. If anything, he was a bit chagrinned. “That’s a fair point. I can arrange for some forces to be immediately on hand on neutral ground near Tokyo, and I’ll send their contact information along as soon as they’re in place.”

“That would be a huge help,” I said. “Maybe you could make sure my mom finds out that you’re prepared to intervene directly, to encourage her to keep her end of the deal?”

Beckett chuckled. “I can definitely pass word along through appropriate channels.”

“All right. Thank you again. If this works out, it’s a huge weight off my shoulders.”

“That’s what I’m hoping for too. Thankyou, Lou.”

As I ended the video call, Rafael rubbed his hands together. “He thinks a lot of himself, but I get the impression he can back that confidence up. And that he means what he said. Not a bad ally to have.”

I elbowed him. “Thanks for your vote of approval.” I paused. “But really, it was good that you stepped in there. I was kind of overwhelmed by the news—I didn’t even think it all through.”

A ghost of a smile brushed across Rafael’s lips. “I don’t mind helping where I can.”

I kicked out my feet, thinking the moment called for some kind of celebration, but before I could even get up, my other phone blared its ringtone. A groan spilled from my lips as I reached for it, followed by another when I saw the caller ID. “It’s another news station. Probably another reporter digging for info.”

Niko glanced over my shoulder and clicked his tongue. “You should probably talk to them. They’re with one of the biggest stations. Put it on speaker, and we’ll handle them together.”

Restraining a sigh, I slid my thumb to the answer button. I’d just have to do what I had to do to get through all this drama.

No matter how people like Beckett stepped in, even if the commotion around the violence faded without further incidents… would I ever really be able to put my past completely behind me?

If I was going to stop this new life I’d built from crumbling, I couldn’t hide in the shadows anymore, no matter how much I wanted to.



Holding my breath,I eased the fabric shears through the shimmering ice-blue cloth I’d spread across the dining table. It wasn’t an ideal workspace, but it was the largest flat surface we had in the cozy but sometimes cramped apartment, though Niko assured us this place was spacious by Tokyo standards.

The cloth hissed as it parted in the wake of the blades. I didn’t exhale until I’d reached the end of the line in the pattern I’d pinned to it.

I didn’t know if we were going to pull off that new transition to elevate our routine, but I was going to make sure our updated costumes took even more breaths away. That much I could guarantee.

Lou was going to look like starlight shimmering off a swath of frost. I could picture it perfectly in my head. Now I just had to stitch it all together.

Niko clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth as he ambled over. “The fabric looks amazing.”

I grimaced. “It’s also a pain in the ass to work with. But it’ll be worth it when I’m done.”

He laughed lightly and leaned over to press a quick kiss to the top of my head, his slender fingers brushing over my neck in a caress. “I have no doubt about that. I’ll leave you to it. Rafael wants to arrange a little more firepower for our new allies, and I think it’ll go over better if he’s got someone who can speak the local language along.”

The bigger guy let out a huff from where he’d gone to the door to grab his jacket. “I’d let you go on your own if I trusted you to get a good deal for us. I don’t like leaving Lou by herself.”

Quentin aimed a narrow glance over the top of the sofa. “By herself? Hello, I’m right here.”

“And so am I,” I said, throwing a look of my own over my shoulder. “And aren’t the Deadly Rose defectors taking turns guarding the front of the building and the hall outside our apartment?”

Lou raised her head from where she’d been stretched out on the floor, running through a workout routine. “They are. Not to mention thatIcan protect myself just fine all on my own even if I was by myself. Go do your negotiating. What did you train these guys in weapons for if you aren’t going to trust them to use them when they need to?”