Page 142 of Pride

He stumbles over himself to reply, “Impossible! Are you telling me Joshua Dalton fled to London and became the king in less than fifteen years?!”

I give a slow nod of confirmation and continue on pointedly, “And do you know what happened the night you sent us packing?”

He stays silent, knowing exactly what I’m referring to—yet words fail him now that he knows exactly who he has been dealing with.

“Do you know?” I repeat.

His jaw clenches as he nods slowly. “Your brother’s death was never the intention.”

“I don’t care if it was the intention or not. You ripped my twin from me.” I clench my fists. The rage building within me is almost impossible to temper. “He’s buried in an unmarked grave because of you.”

“I hardly feel I can take all the blame.” He stops, then his mouth drops open. “You’re the one that murdered my four men?” His eyes flash with rage. “You chopped them into pieces and sent them to me in boxes.” Gio’s eyes shift to Bella. “Surely you can’t stand by this man’s side when he’s such a psychopathic liar and killer?”

Bella tilts her head. “And what are you then, Dad?” She clenches her fists, also looking as furious as I feel. “A psychopathic liar, killer and also a pedophile!”

“It’s merely business. If I don’t partake, I can’t be the one to run the ring.”

“Oh my God, how can you stand there and say that?” Bella looks about ready to rush over to him and strangle the life from him. “You’re talking about innocent children, you sick son of a bitch!”

“How dare you talk to me like that!”

In Gio’s state of distraction, he hasn’t realized that I’ve pulled my gun on him and now have it aimed at his head. “I wonder who’s the best shot, Gio.”

His eyes move back to me. “If you shoot, Bella dies. You may well be able to shoot me, but I will have time to shoot her, too.”

“And what makes you think I care about what happens to your daughter?” I have to act cool, otherwise this could escalate fast.

“I heard you talking to her, telling her you can’t lose her, you sad son of a bitch,” he snarls.

“And you would kill your own daughter?” I confirm.

He turns his nose up. “She would stand by while you kill me. What’s the difference?”

“The difference!” Bella shouts, starting forward a step. “You are a pedophile, that’s the difference. And I’ve done nothing wrong.”

I grab her wrist to stop her advancing any further.

“I’m not a pedophile. I merely do what has to be done for the sake of the family.”

Unbelievably, I think he actually believes that ridiculous notion. As if the pedophile ring was an endeavor necessary for the multi-million criminal organization he already possesses.

“That’s bullshit and you know it,” Bella says, shaking her head. “The family and the business do fine without that disgusting part of it, which you keep a secret. You make me sick.” Her eyes narrow. “Does mom know what you do?”

He clears his throat. “Your mother knows parts.”

Bella shakes her head. “So what now? You are going to shoot me dead while Isiah shoots you?”

His eyes narrow. “How about we all walk away?”

“There’s no way I’m allowing you to walk out of this place alive, Gio.”

For the first time in this conversation, I see fear in his eyes as he realizes he’s coming up against a man who won’t quit. I’ll die before I let him walk out of here unscathed.

“Then it appears we’re at an impasse,” he says.

I nod. “It appears so.”

My heart beats loudly in my ears as I try to think of a way around this that doesn’t lead to Bella getting hurt. Cathal is here, and at the moment, my only hope is I can stall long enough for him to find us.