Page 140 of Pride

The turmoil in Isiah’s eyes hits me, and I can completely understand it. How can he leave innocent children to be violated by men like this?

“You really are a piece of shit, Ethan,” Isiah says, scowling at him. “I paid you to help put an end to this, not continue it. I assume there isn’t a sum you would take in order to walk away.”

Ethan smirks. “Too much money to be made and you ain’t paying enough.” He tilts his head. “Hell, you don’t have enough to pay us. Do you know how much one of those kids brings in?”

My stomach twists with sickness as it doesn’t matter if they bring in a billion fucking dollars. It’s damn right demonic to profit off of their abuse.

Isiah’s expression remains unreadable. He’s an unwavering wall of stone, even in such a precarious situation.

“As I said. If you let her go, I’ll leave you alone,” Isiah says, his voice firm.

Ethan smirks. “How can we be sure you won’t try to get revenge?”

Isiah squares up to the brawny, graying man and looks him dead in the eye. “Revenge for what? I wanted to bring down Gio and murder him. That was my main aim. Sure, I wanted to help the kids in doing so, but it’s not my concern. You give me Gio and you give me my wife, and you’ll never see me again.”

The man, Ethan, appears to be convinced as he nods his head. “Fair enough.” He glances at the man holding me. “Corbin, release her.”

“Fuck,” he mutters. “Another case of blue balls.”

A shiver starts at the top of my spine and finishes at the base, hearing him talk like that. This disgusting son of a bitch hoped that Isiah wouldn’t agree and that he’d have to watch me get gang raped by him and a load of other men.

And yet, as I look into Isiah’s brilliant blue eyes, somehow I know this isn’t over. He won’t allow those children to be abused, so I go along with his plan. If it were me or the children, I’d pick the children ten times over.

“Go to your master, little girl,” Corbin says, pushing me forward.

I walk toward Isiah, my heart pounding unevenly in my chest. When I get to him, he doesn’t embrace me, merely grabs my wrist and yanks me toward him. “Don’t say a word, love,” he whispers into my ear.

“Now, you leave us to get on with our business,” Ethan says, glaring at him with a pointed look.

Isiah nods in response, his expression unreadable as he leads me out of what looks like a dining hall and into the main entryway. I’m tense as we move away from them, wanting to demand why he’d pick me over those poor, defenseless children.

He doesn’t say a word, marching me down an empty corridor to God knows where. “Isiah,” I say his name softly, but it’s as if he doesn’t hear me, lost in his own thoughts. “Isiah!” I say louder, yanking his hand to force him to a stop.

He shakes his head. “There’s no time to talk, love,” he says, trying to carry on.

I fight him and stand my ground. “You can’t leave those children in the hands of those men.” There’s no world in which I allow him to drag me out of here and leave those children to the abuse that might befall them. I’d rather die trying to save them.

His jaw clenches. “Do you really think I’d leave them?”

“Then why are we leaving?”

He shakes his head and a small smile plays at the corner of his lips. “I’m not, you are.” He tries to pull me further down the corridor, but I yank him again.

I know why he’s smiling, because he knows I’m not going to accept that. “No fucking chance. I’m not running away while you stay to fight those men.”

He shakes his head. “Cathal is on his way.”

Of all the things I thought would come out of his mouth next, that was not it. “Cathal?” I confirm.

Isiah nods quickly, glancing back the way we came. “He gave me his card, and I had a bad feeling on the way here, so I gave him a call, told him to come if he hadn’t heard from me within an hour.” The sound of motorcycle engines and cars grow louder outside, as if on cue. “And it sounds like he’s here.”

It just doesn’t sit well with me not knowing what happens to those poor, defenseless children. “So we just walk away and leave Cathal to deal with it?”

“Of course not.” He grabs my shoulders and looks me dead in the eye. “You walk away and I go back and make sure everything goes as planned.”

I shake my head as I won’t accept him leaving me out of this. We’re husband and wife, a team. “No. I won’t let you treat me like a second-class citizen who can’t fend for herself. I’m a woman, not a cripple.”

Isiah smirks, shaking his head. “I’m not treating you like a cripple. It’s just dangerous.”