Isiah smiles at me and it makes my stomach flip.
“Great, have you decided what you’d like to order from the menu?” he asks.
I nod. “I have.”
“Yes, I’ll have the lobster,” Isiah replies.
I purse my lips, as that’s what I was going to order, and now it looks like I’m copying him. “Lobster for me too.”
“Okay, thank you.” He removes the menu board, leaving us alone again, much to my dismay.
Tonight is increasingly confusing, as Isiah isn’t acting how I expected. He’s been civil and attentive, and that makes me suspicious. Does he know I’m trying to get close to him in order to figure out his plan?
The rest of the dinner continues much in the same way as it started. We discuss books that we’ve both read. As it turns out, we have more in common than I ever believed possible. When he gets a chance, he likes to read thrillers and so do I. Also, he’s visited many exotic places in the world on business that I’d love to visit.
By the time the meal is over, I’m questioning why he’s been so terrible to me all this time when he can be so charming.
“Let’s get back to the villa,” Isiah says.
I nod and take his hand as we walk in comfortable silence back to the villa and straight into the bedroom. My heart beats erratically as I’m sure he’s going to turn into that dominant, arrogant man that I hate, but my body loves.
He kisses me softly and then walks into the bathroom, leaving me standing there.
I undress and get under the sheets, waiting for him. After a few minutes, he returns in just his briefs and gets under the covers.
I yawn as I roll over to look at Isiah lying next to me. “What now?”
He yanks me toward him and kisses me passionately in a way that steals my breath. I kiss him back, enjoying the way he consumes me, as if I’m as important to him as air. When we break away, he smiles softly. “Sleep, love. You’re tired and we have plenty of time to explore each other for the rest of the honeymoon.” The glint in his eyes is wicked. “Sweet dreams.” And then he lies down and rolls over so his back is to me. I can’t understand why that gesture makes my heart ache.
Did I expect him to cuddle me while I fall asleep?
I shake my head and rest against the soft pillow, placing my arm against my forehead. Clearly, being here with him is clouding my judgement and I need to get a grip before he unravels me entirely.
As I finish the preparations for Bella’s surprise, I wonder what the hell has gotten into me. I don’t do this kind of thing for anyone, and yet here I am setting up the little cabin up on the hill as a fucking art studio so my wife can paint.
She should be on her way up here now, as I asked her to meet me here at sunset. Ever since we arrived here, I’ve felt off because of my concerning feelings for Bella. It’s why I had to get away from her that first day, all I did was walk around the island, trying to run away from her despite the fact we’re the only two people on this island, except for the staff.
I walk out onto the porch of the hilltop cabin, surveying the view, which is utterly breathtaking. The crystal-clear waters of the lagoon below seem to glimmer in the late afternoon light, and gentle waves lap against the golden sands of the beach. To the left of the cabin there’s a vast rainforest filled with towering trees that stretch upward to meet a horizon painted with brilliant oranges and pinks. The sun hangs low in the sky, casting a glowing golden hue over everything it touches.
My heart flutters in my chest as I realize my feelings for Bella are becoming complicated, to say the least.
I can feel the tension in the air, the anticipation of what is to come and whether she’ll like what I’ve done with the place. Turning back to walk inside, I walk around the room, making sure everything is ready. There are windows on all four sides of the small cabin and at each one I’ve set up an easel, canvas and stool, so she has the option to paint any view that takes her fancy.
To the left of the door, I’ve set up an old wood table with all the supplies she’ll need stacked on the table, an array of different types of paints, paper, and brushes. Hopefully, I’ve thought of everything.
It’s ridiculous how nervous I feel as I glance at the setting sun again, noticing how low it is. Bella should be here any minute.
“Isiah?” I hear her sweet voice calling my name and it makes something inside me flutter.
I walk to the doorway to meet her, my heart pounding hard and erratically against my rib cage. “Hey, love.”
She smiles at me and it lights my entire world ablaze. “Hey.”
“I’ve got a surprise for you.”