Page 50 of Pride

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The jet landswith a thud on the runway in London, jolting me awake.

“We’re here!” Olivia exclaims, holding a hand to her chest. “I’ve always wanted to visit London.”

Oh God. What have I done?

Her enthusiasm is too much, especially as I’m still bummed about my father bringing the wedding forward. In two weeks, I’ll be Mrs. Bella Darcy. It makes me want to puke.

“Could you tone it down a bit, Olivia?”

She gives me a sharp look. “You need to stop moping and enjoy your freedom while you still can.” Standing, she approaches me and then grabs my hand, yanking me to my feet as the jet comes to a stop. “Time to enjoy yourself and forget all about Isiah Darcy.”

“Right, as if that’s going to be easy in his hometown.”

She rolls her eyes. “London is a huge city. Forget about him and have some fun!”

I sigh. “Fine. What’s first on the agenda?”

The smirk she gives me is answer enough. “We’re going shopping.”

I groan. “Do we have to?”

Instead of dignifying my response with an answer, she just walks down the steps off the plane, leaving me trailing after her. No one can shop as much as Auntie Olivia, and I’ve never been one with a love of shopping.

After a few minutes, we get settled into the town car waiting for us and begin our drive to Oxford Street to start a grueling day of shopping. As I sit there watching England pass by outside my window; with lush rolling hills and picturesque villages that seem so unlike anything back home, my mind wanders over what surprises London might hold. Hopefully good ones.

“Maybe it won’t be so bad here,” I say to Olivia.

She smiles. “That’s the spirit.”

“How long is it to Oxford Street?”

Her brow furrows. “About an hour.”

I groan. “I could go to bed right about now.”

We both have a nap in the car until it pulls to a stop to let us out in the center of a concrete jungle, which is a stark contrast to the countryside we were driving through near the airstrip.

“We’re here, ma’am,” the driver man says.

“Great, can you park up at the hotel? We’ll walk there from here.”

His eyes widen. “It’s not walking distance.”

“Underground?” she suggests.

He nods. “Sure, you could use the underground.”

“Perfect. Come on, let’s go,” Olivia says, jumping out of the car.

“Where are we starting?” I ask.

The smirk on Olivia’s face worries me. “I’ve got an appointment.”

“Appointment, where?”

“You’ll see.” She hooks her arm with mine and leads me down the street.