Page 35 of Pride

Luciana giggles, as if this is a funny matter. “Until something sets her off, and she tries to bleed herself out again.”

“Unbelievable. How is that amusing?” I ask, unable to believe that these people are even my family. They’re a disgrace. “Nina was suffering with depression at the time and all of you are laughing about it or calling her loon. You’re all sick in the head.” I stand and storm out of the dining room, ignoring the shouts of both my mom and my dad to return at once.

Sometimes I wonder how me and Nina are even related to the five people sitting in that room. All of them make me sick to my stomach. Maybe it’s best if I’m married off. At least I won’t have to put up with their shit anymore.



I’ve delayed telling Gio I’m back in town as he demands all of my time.

Learning about Alastair and Gio’s side business, I need to get more intel so that I can make my move to shut him down in that respect first. There’s no world in which I sit back and bide my time while he preys on children for money and power. So, I stand behind the desk of an illegal hacker called Jane as she types frantically at her keyboard.

“Can you hack into his system?” I ask, feeling my patience wearing thin.

Apparently, she’s the best on this side of the pond, and I need information if I’m going to expand my plot to bring down Gio Benedetto.

“Of course, I can hack into any system.” She says it as if I’m stupid, making me clench my fist. I’m not used to people speaking to me like that, not since my dad died. It makes me angry just thinking about him and the way he controlled every aspect of my life for so long.

“How long and how much will it cost?”

She taps her bottom lip and then looks up at me through her thick-rimmed glasses. “Four days and five thousand dollars.”

I narrow my eyes, sensing that she knows I’ve got money, and that’s the reason why she’s exploiting me, but I don’t care what it costs. “Deal.”

She grins at me. “Great, I’ll get all the information I can from his personal network.”

“I need names and places where he runs his sick and twisted ploy to lure children.”

Jane pales. “Children?” she confirms.

I nod. “Yeah, the guy is sick in the head. He gives pedophiles children in order to advance his career.” Amongst other terrible things, including murdering my twin brother.

She sighs heavily. “In that case, I’ll half the fee. I can’t overcharge you for doing what is right.”

I smile. “I thought you might have been overcharging me, but it’s for a good cause.” I wink. “I’ll pay you five thousand dollars if you get those names in two days.”

“Done,” she says, holding out her hand.

I take it and shake. “Perfect. And I doubt I need to say it, but discretion is key.”

“Of course, as with all my clients.” She frowns at me. “What do you plan to do with the names and locations?”

This girl is too nosy for her own good. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

“Seriously, are you going to bring the bastard down, or what?”

“If you do well on this job, I’ll include you in my plans for him if you like?”

“Now that’s what I like to hear. I’m looking forward to it.” She cracks her knuckles. “Men like him need to be put down. And of course, I’ll do well. There’s no one better at what I do in the States.”

“Tomorrow at four o’clock, I’ll be back with the money for the names and addresses.”

“You’ve got it, boss.” She salutes. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

I turn around. “I’ll see myself out.”

She doesn’t respond as she begins typing frantically on her computer. Jane is no doubt going to be the perfect assistant here in Washington for all my tech needs. Slowly, I intend to build a small yet capable team here in Washington to help me take down the Benedetto family.