Page 34 of Pride

She nods. “Yeah, and unfortunately, Dad is right. It’s just how things are done in our world, Bella.”

“Well, it’s disgusting.” I cross my arms over my chest, hardly able to believe that Nina is practically siding with them. “Are you saying that I should be grateful that I’m being married off to a man I despise?”

“Of course not,” she hisses, getting a little irritated. “I’m just saying that it’s not the end of the world. When you first met him, you thought he was arrogant but very attractive, didn’t you?”

“That was before he opened his mouth.”

Nina giggles. “Right, I admit he’s arrogant and stuck up and looks down on people.”

“To name a few flaws,” I add.

She sighs. “It’s just we both knew we’d never get to choose who we end up with.”

I arch a brow. “You seem to be getting a choice,” I say, nodding toward Cathal, who’s in deep conversation with Dad.

Her cheeks flush a deep red. “Dad hasn’t agreed yet, and it’s not like Cathal has proposed.”

“But you want him to propose, don’t you?”

“I can’t believe I’m saying it, but yes.” She shakes her head. “There’s no way I ever thought I’d find a man I could be happy with.”

I smile as I’m ecstatic for her. She deserves to find her happiness, as she’s had too many struggles already in her life and I’m sure once she’s with someone who truly cares for and loves her, she’ll be able to overcome her depression. Our parents have never exactly given her the support she needed. All they do is cover up her condition because appearance is more important to them than the mental health of their eldest child.

“Maybe we will both be getting married at the same time,” I say, smiling at her. “At least then we don’t have to worry about each other.”

She sighs heavily. “But I’d have to worry about you, because you won’t be happy.”

“What are you two twittering about?” Mom snaps, glaring at the both of us.

“Nothing,” we both say in unison.

Cathal meets Nina’s gaze. “Would you like to take a little stroll outside?” he suggests.

Nina turns a deep red. “I’d like that.”

Dad’s eyes narrow. “It’s a bit cold for a stroll, isn’t it?”

Cathal shakes his head. “I always find the winter air so refreshing. We have coats.”

Maria stands. “Can I come, too?”

My mom interjects. “No.” She grabs her hand and forces her back into her seat. “Let them have some time alone together.”

Nina turns redder at that, leaning toward me. “See you later,” she whispers.

I nod, and then she stands, allowing Cathal to guide her out of the room.

“Are you seriously considering letting Nina marry that guy?” Cain asks once they’re gone.

Dad straightens. “Why not?”

“He’s Irish and our competition, for one thing. Secondly, Nina wouldn’t make a suitable wife for any man, and once he realized we’d stuck him with a loon, he’d soon get pissed.”

“Shut the fuck up, Cain,” I hiss, glaring at him. “Nina’s not a loon, she’s sensitive. And you’re a fucking asshole.”

Cain bares his teeth at me. “Don’t get me started on you!”

“Enough,” Dad booms. “Cathal is our competition at the moment, but an alliance through marriage would bring our two organizations together, strengthening our hold over our territory. And, in regard to Nina’s mental health, she hasn’t had any breakdowns lately.”