Page 27 of Pride

“You hope who is late?” That dark, sinful voice asks from behind me.

I hate how every time I hear him speak, goosebumps prickle over my skin. I can’t help but shiver, my body betraying me with a thrill of excitement.

It’s an irritating and yet unavoidable part of speaking with him. Turning around, I plaster a fake smile on my face and put his name card back where it was. “No one.”

He shakes his head. “You hoped I’d be late, but the thing is, love.” He pauses and looks me dead in the eye. “I’m never late.” He sits down next to me and has the audacity to slide his hand onto my thigh and squeeze.

The move is improper and downright misogynistic, but my entire body heats, anyway. It’s infuriating the way I react to him.

“Get your hand off of me.”

He chuckles. “So uptight tonight, Bella. What’s got your knickers in a twist?”

I narrow my eyes at him. “You.”

Nina clears her throat. “You should do as she says. It’s bad manners to touch someone when you have no right.”

I love Nina, but she’s the worst when it comes to a fight. She’s too timid and shy, even if she does try her best.

Isiah opens his mouth to speak, but he’s interrupted by my father’s arrival.

“Isiah!” He claps him on the shoulder. “I’m glad you could make it.”

He smirks at me as his hand slides off my thigh. “Wouldn’t miss it.”

“I’m glad to see you and Bella are getting on.”

Nina scoffs. “They’re not getting on!”

Luciana clears her throat. “It’s great to see you again, Isiah,” she says, twirling a strand of hair around her finger. “How have you been?”

I glare at my youngest sister, who isn’t even sixteen and is quite shamelessly flirting with a man double her age.

“Fine thanks, Luciana,” he says, his reply short and dismissive.

I notice the way her nose wrinkles in irritation at his lack of reciprocation.

Maria sits down on the other side of me. “Don’t tell me we’re in for another sparring match.”

“Sparring match?” Cain asks.

She nods toward me. “Between these two know-it alls.”

“Maria!” my mom shouts, shaking her head. “Don’t be so rude to our guest.”

Isiah’s lips curl up at the corners in a smirk, but I can see something else hidden in his gaze other than amusement. There’s something hidden beneath the surface, a darkness that I can feel emanating from him. Is he keeping something from us? What dark secrets is he hiding? I can’t help but shiver at the thought. Isiah just looks amused, but there’s something else in his eyes that I can’t quite put a finger on. It’s something dark and illicit, as if he harbors a secret from all of us.

“How have you been enjoying your time in Washington so far, Isiah?” Cain asks.

He straightens and that glint in his eyes is erased almost instantly. “It’s a nice city, not London, but it’s fine.”

“Fine?” Luciana says. “That’s a rather dismissive word.”

Isiah’s brow raises. “I wouldn’t call it dismissive, just honest.” He takes a sip of the amber colored liquid in his glass, which looks like whiskey. “Would you rather I lie?”

“Certainly not,” Gio says, shaking his head. “Honesty is an important characteristic.” He meets my gaze. “Especially in a husband.”

I roll my eyes. “Quit it with the husband lark.”