Page 23 of Pride

“That you’re a ruthless, cold-hearted bastard, with a vicious temper, who’s never one to turn his back on a challenge.”

I shrug. “So, you have heard of me.”

“Yes, and Gio makes a great point. We would be good business partners, don’t you think?”

I clench my jaw as I know that if I don’t go along with this, Gio will be pissed. Right now, I’m having to entertain listening to an offer from a man who thinks it’s fine to prey on children.

“Perhaps. What’s your offer?”

“I want to get into politics and you are well connected. Word is there’s a lot of money to be made if you know how.” He tilts his head. “And something tells me you know all there is to know.”

“And why would I help you?”

His eyes narrow. “Because I can open doors for you here in the States.”

“I’ve no interest in your money or your country.”

“Then what is your interest?” he asks, his eyes raking over me. “I find it hard to believe you’re simply here because you want to marry the Benedetto girl.”

I grit my teeth and I can feel my muscles tensing as he’s questioning me. “That’s none of your business,” I hiss.

“Gio isn’t the best judge of character,” he says, pausing to chuckle to himself. “If you’ve no interest in money or the States, what does Bella bring you?”

I narrow my eyes. “Stability.”

“And you couldn’t find that in Britain?”

I tap my fingers on the table in front of me. “Get to the point.”

“The point is, I heard about your family back home and how they came to power. I can guarantee that you’re here with an agenda.”

“And what agenda would that be?”

He hesitates because he has no idea. No one knows the truth. The bastard was taking a stab in the dark and now he’s flailing around.

“Maybe you’re here to overthrow the Benedettos,” he says, hitting the nail on the head somehow. “Maybe you’re here to seize power. Maybe you’re here simply to strengthen your claim on power in London.”

Am I really that easy to read? It doesn’t seem like Gio believes that because he’s convinced I’m the man to marry his daughter. This low life somehow has worked me out in three seconds flat.

“As I told you, I’m here for Bella and that’s all,” I retort.

He leans over the table and lowers his voice. “I have no qualms with a bit of competition, but I can’t have threats to the way things work for me. If you’re here for revenge, then I need to protect myself and my business interests.”

“There’s no agenda.” My eyes darken. “And you don’t know a thing about me.”

He holds up his hands. “I know that you’re dangerous.”

“Then stop provoking me.”

“Is that a threat?”

Gio returns and sits in his seat. He instantly senses the tension in the air. “What happened while I was away?” He gives me an accusing look, but the fact is I wasn’t the one to cause the tension.

Alastair shrugs. “Just discussing business.”

As if by the flick of a switch, he’s gone from hostile to friendly in a matter of minutes.

“A potential alliance?” Gio asks.