“You don’t strike me as the kind of woman that’s easily persuaded to do something she doesn’t want to do.” His eyes sparkle with what I can only describe as playfulness.
“If that’s the case, you might as well fly on back to London tonight.”
He smirks. “And why is that, love?”
“Because I don’t want to marry you, so it would be best to quit now and save yourself the effort.”
He casually slides his hand to the back of my neck as if he has the right to touch me and squeezes. “Listen to me carefully, Bella. When it comes to who you marry, you know that you don’t get a say in the matter, and therefore it doesn’t really matter what you want, does it?”
Frustration wells within me. I need to find a way out of this situation. I don’t know Isiah well, but I do know men like him don’t like to take no for an answer. I don’t want to be married to someone like him. He’s violent, controlling, and God only knows what else he’s capable of in that sick and twisted mind of his.
Isiah releases the back of my neck and relaxes into his seat, placing his hands behind his head. “Now, tell me honestly, love. Why the fuck wouldn’t you want to marry me?” he asks, oozing arrogance that only angers me more.
I look into his eyes, which gleam with irritating amusement. “There’s only one reason why a woman would want to marry a man like you, and that’s because she’s a gold digger. Your money is the only positive quality you hold.”
Isiah’s expression darkens, and he sits up straighter, glaring at me. “I’d watch your mouth if I were you, Bella,” he says coolly. “You’re on very thin ice. Believe me when I say I can make your life very difficult.” There’s a threat in his voice as he leans in close, speaking in a hushed voice, although no one can hear us. “Especially with your dad already being wrapped around my finger. I’m going to be your husband sooner rather than later, whether you want it or not.” He grabs my throat and squeezes, making my heart pound as fear engulfs me. “I intend to use you in every way possible once we’re married. You’ll be mine in every sense of the word,” he murmurs, desire clear in his eyes.
James notices that Isiah has me by the throat and leans over, slamming his fist into his chest. “Let go of her.”
His voice is as firm as stone, yet there’s a hint of a warning in it, too.
Isiah glares at him for a few beats before releasing me and leaning back, as if he has all the time in the world. “We were just discussing our future,” he says to James, a cruel smirk playing on his lips.
“And I suggest that you discuss things a little more civilly,” James growls.
Cathal leans over and shouts, “What the fuck are you two arguing about over there?”
James stiffens at the sound of his boss’s voice. “Nothing.”
“Your dog was sticking his nose in my business,” Isiah replies.
My hatred toward this man only seems to grow with each moment that passes. “Why don’t you go and sit somewhere else?”
Isiah sits back, folding his arms across his chest. “Why would I do that? You are, after all, my fiancée.” He places a hand on my thigh and my skin crawls. However, there’s this deep ache that his touch ignites, and it’s sickening.
“Did I miss something? My dad hasn’t agreed to us marrying.”
Isiah grins, “Your dad is a smart man. He knows what’s best. It’s a matter of time until he agrees, then I’ll never let you go.” He squeezes my thigh even harder, making heat spread over every inch of my skin.
I shove him away. “Don’t touch me like that,” I snarl.
Isiah’s eyes darken and he stands up, fury in his expression. “You’re already mine. Don’t forget that, love, or you’ll wish you were never born,” he says in a menacing tone, before giving James a stern glare. “I’ve got business to attend to.”
A shudder runs from the top of my head to my toes as he walks off casually, as if he didn’t just threaten me and James.
James clears his throat. “The guy is a fucking asshole.”
“Tell me about it,” I say, releasing a shaky breath as I slump in my seat, trying to compose myself. “That man is going to be the death of me.”
James shakes his head. “You strike me as strong and independent, Bella Benedetto. Find a way to beat him.”
“Beat Isiah Darcy?” I get the sense that he never loses.
“There’s always time for firsts.”
I arch a brow. “And you think I’m going to be the first to best Isiah Darcy?”
“He’s a man, not a God. Anyone can best him.” His jaw clenches. “I think you need to find any way to avoid marrying him.”