Page 143 of Pride

“You let us go and I let you go, and then what happens?” I ask.

Gio’s eyes narrow. “Fuck off back to Britain or I’ll kill you like your weak and pathetic brother.”

I clench my fists then, the rage threatening to turn into a dark and all-consuming storm. “He was fourteen years old.” I try to tell myself that this idiot is trying to get a rise out of me, but it’s a low blow. Talking of Aiden like that is a surefire way to make me lose my shit.

“Don’t move, any of you,” Cathal’s voice echoes through the corridor and I can’t help but smile as I lock eyes with him.

“Guns down,” he barks.

“Oh thank God you are here, Cathal,” Gio says, shaking his head. “Isiah isn’t the man we thought he was.”

Cathal approaches. “Both of you, put your guns on the floor.”

Gio reluctantly does as he’s told and so do I, knowing that he isn’t going to betray me.

“Gio, hands on the wall.” He points his gun toward the wall.

Gio’s brow furrows. “What the fuck for? Go and apprehend that son of a bitch. He’s been lying about who he is.”

“Isiah called me to come and help him out with this pedophile ring.” Cathal grabs Gio’s wrists and puts a pair of handcuffs on him roughly. “And there’s one thing in this world that I despise with a passion. It’s someone who abuses children.” He pushes him hard against the wall.

“He’s mine,” I warn.

Cathal smirks. “I know. Don’t get your panties in a twist.” He looks at me then, dark eyes blazing with fiery rage. “As long as I get to be there when you kill him. I want to see this piece of shit brought to justice for what he did to Aiden.”

“You knew?” Gio asks, sounding in shock.

“Yes, since the day I saw Isiah at Bella’s party. Joe and Aiden were my closest friends before they disappeared.”

Gio opens his mouth and then closes it, before looking to his daughter. “Bella, you can’t seriously stand by why these two murder me. I’m your father!”

“Great father you are,” she spits, glaring at him. “What is it you said when I told you that Isiah had taken advantage of me, touching me without my consent?”

“Let’s be honest here, love. You know you wanted me to touch you, really.”

She glares at me then. “Shut up.” Her attention moves back to her dad. “You said it’s pretty standard practice.” Tilting her head, she laughs. “Well, as far as I’m aware, killing family members of other mafia leaders often leads to an eye for an eye.” She pauses a moment. “It’s pretty standard practice.”

I can’t help but feel so much pride as I watch my wife, knowing without a doubt that I love her more each day that passes.

“There’s a basement in this place,” I say, looking at Cathal. “Can you take him down there while I get Bella somewhere safe?”

“No,” Bella says, shaking her head. “I want to come with you.”

I grab Bella’s shoulders, as I expected this might happen, and look her dead in the eye. “There is no way that I’m allowing you to see that side of me. Not to mention, witness your own father’s death. You may be angry with him and even know that you’ll never be able to forgive what he did or what he was, but you can’t darken your soul like that.”

She draws in a deep breath and I’m ready for her to argue, but instead she nods. “You’re right.”

I arch a brow. “I am?”

“Yes, I don’t want to witness it.” Her shoulders slump a little as she glances at Cathal. “Where can I go that is safe?”

“The events room. All my guys have apprehended those idiots and they’re looking after the kids.” His jaw clenches. “Join them there.”

She nods. “You don’t need to come with me.” Her eyes move to her dad, who looks terrified. “Goodbye, Dad.”

“Bella, don’t just leave me to these animals... Please.”

There’s a mix of emotions swirling in her eyes as they fill with tears. “I can’t save you. No one can.” With that, she turns around and strides back the way we came.