Page 125 of Pride

Her features harden into determination and she looks me straight in the eye. “He deserves no mercy. I want him gone, but you must promise not to harm anyone else in my family.”

My lips curve up slowly into a smile and I press my free hand over hers. “Agreed.”

A ghost of a smile passes over Bella’s face and she stands abruptly, moving toward the cupboards. “Let me make you something to eat then; it’s the least I can do after the day you’ve had.”

A laugh slips from my lips and I stand up, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. “No need. I already ordered us dinner.”

Her brow furrows. “What have you ordered?”

“Indian food. I want you to try it.”

Her lips purse together. “I don’t like anything too hot.”

I shake my head. “I know, don’t worry. I’ve ordered a selection and you’re sure to like something.”

She tilts her head. “How can you be so sure?”

“Because I ordered chips just in case.” I wink.

“Seriously? You ordered chips from an Indian takeout?”

A knock on the door interrupts our conversation, and I go to answer it, finding the delivery driver with several large brown bags of food. He gives me a cheery smile as he hands them over.

“Enjoy your meal!”

“Thanks, mate.” I shut the door and return to the kitchen where Bella is waiting expectantly with the plates and cutlery already on the kitchen island. Placing the food on the counter, I unwrap each dish revealing an array of different curries, naan breads and rice dishes.

“I’m starving,” she says, picking up one of the dishes and pulling the lid off. “Wow, that actually smells delicious. What is it?”

“A chickenbalti.”

Her lips purse together. “Is it hot?”

I shake my head.

She grabs a spoon and digs in, placing a helping on her plate, followed by some rice to the side. “Let’s see what all the fuss is about, then.”

I watch her as she takes a hesitant mouthful of curry and rice from the spoon, her eyes widening almost instantly as she swallows. “That’s delicious.”

“I’m glad I’m the one who got to introduce you to a whole new a new type of cuisine.”

She nods. “Me too.” Bella grabs some of the naan bread and more curry, pilling up her plate with food.

I can’t help but smile as I watch her, knowing that somehow, out of all the heartache and pain of losing my twin brother, I found the other half to my whole. Aiden was my world back then, and although he’ll never be gone in my heart, finding Bella feels like I can start to heal the hole that he left gaping and raw.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” she asks, her cheeks flushed a little.

“Like what?”

She shrugs. “Just very intensely.”

I grab her hand, which rests on the island between us. “Because it’s how I feel about you. Intensely in love.”

Her throat bobs as she swallows, as she’s yet to tell me she feels the same. “I...I don’t know what to say.”

“Don’t say anything.” The last thing I want is for her to feel she has to say it out of obligation rather than feeling it.

She nods in response, and while I tell myself I’m glad she isn’t feeling pressured into saying it, a part of me aches for reciprocation. But, I know that I was terrible to her to start with. A royal asshole, as that’s how her father expects a strong leader to be, plus it was fun winding her up at times, but I fear it may mean she’ll never be able to love me the way I love her.