Page 123 of Pride

Ethan holds his hand up. “You’ll have to forgive Harley. He’s in his own world at times.”

Ian gives him a nudge. “Have some respect, kid.”

I don’t sense there’s much sincerity in that, but the fact is, if it weren’t for me, none of this would be going ahead. Taking a deep breath, I calm my nerves and nod. “How many men do we need? I want a rough number.”

Ethan rubs a hand across his messy, graying beard. “Honestly? I’d say we need at least ten of our guys to pull this off, in addition to us three.” He glances at Harley. “Obviously, Harley will be in the van stationed nearby with Jane.”

Jane nods in response, but I still find it weird how quiet she has been this entire meeting. It’s as if these guys are running things, not her, and that makes me even more uneasy.

“Fine, I’ll leave it to you to arrange everything?”

Ethan nods. “Yeah, we’ll get you the details as soon as they are finalized.”

“Thanks,” I say, standing and offering him my hand.

He eyes it warily, as if I’m the one he needs to be wary about, which is ridiculous. I’m paying him for his services. Finally, he takes it and shakes it firmly.

“Until next week,” he says.

I hold his gaze, still unsure about trusting guys I’ve only just met. And yet I know I don’t have a choice. My men are thousands of miles away, and I don’t have anyone else I can trust.

Cathal did come to my mind, and I know he would possibly be able to help me out, but I know he wouldn’t want to be involved in a direct attack against his rival, Gio. It would cause war and that’s something any sane leader would want to avoid, especially while he’s facing a rocky takeover since his brother’s death.

“See you then,” I reply, letting go of his hand and glancing briefly at Jane, who meets my gaze but has an unreadable expression in her eyes.

I don’t say a word and walk out of the club, feeling a little on edge. There’s something about those guys I don’t like. Granted, they’re scumbags who are helping out just for the money, although Jane insists they’re mercenaries that want to save kids, I’m not sure I buy it.

For now, they’re all I’ve got.

A buzz catches my attention and it’s a text from Cathal, asking me to meet his ASAP at Jamie’s. I’m only a five minute walk away, so I leave the club and head in that direction.

Cathal is sitting at the bar when I arrive and instantly he notices me, waving me over. “Isiah, that was fucking quick.” His eyes are wide.

I shrug. “I was in the neighbourhood.”

He nods. “It’s been a while. How’s married life?”

“Cut the crap, Cathal. Tell me why you wanted to meet.”

He draws in a deep breath. ‘I’m sure you’ve heard from Bella, about our run in earlier," he began very slowly. “She was here at this very bar, and she told me something strange. She said you knew the truth about James.” He pauses, running a hand through his dark hair. “She wouldn’t tell me what it was, but said if I wanted to know, then I should ask you.”

My heart sinks as I realize what she had done—alluding to the fact that James betrayed my family without saying it outright and directing Cathal to me. My jaw clenches in anger.

“You remember James was like a brother to us,” I murmur more to myself than to him.

He nods. “Of course.”

I rub the back of my neck before continuing, “I assumed he’d died when we fled the States, because no one survived other than the traitors. And that’s exactly what James turned out to be—the only one who knew my dad’s inside secrets, which eventually brought our family down...” My voice trails off as I consider the full implications of his betrayal. My revenge plan should include him, but the fact he’s Cathal’s second in command makes it impossible. “It all made perfect sense when I saw him alive and well by your side at the party Gio threw.”

“Are you certain?” he asks, narrowing his eyes further.

I nod in response. “Yes, he’s a snake, Cathal. He always has been.”

Cathal exhales heavily as he processes my words. “I wanted someone I could trust,” he mutters regretfully, “but if what you’re saying is true, then clearly I can’t trust James.”

I shake my head. “I don’t think you can.” My eyes narrow. “Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.”

Cathal shrugs. “I’d rather know who I have by my side. How is your plan going, anyway? I noticed Gio’s still alive and well.”