Page 107 of Pride

I bite the inside of my cheek. “Isiah admitted it to me the night of the fire.”

Nina looks hurt by that revelation. “Why didn’t you tell me before?”

I know I didn’t tell her because I wasn’t sure how I felt about the whole situation. What Isiah did was reckless and dangerous, and yet I can’t fault him for it, not if it saved innocent children from a terrible fate.

“I’ve been processing what it meant.”

Nina nods. “I don’t know how to process it. I always knew our dad wasn’t a good man, but this?” She shakes her head. “It’s hard to believe.”

I take a sip of the latte Nina ordered me. “I know, and I’m certain Mom knows about it.”

Nina frowns. “Really?”

“It’s why she hasn’t been to Insignia with Dad for so long, because she found out, I’m sure of it.”

“How can she even stand the sight of him after finding that out?”

I shake my head. “I honestly have no idea, but back to the point at hand. Isiah clearly has it out for our dad, but possibly the entire family, too. He targeted me for a reason, one I’m yet to discover.”

Nina swallows hard. “Do you think he wants to hurt us?”

I think back to the conversation we had over dinner, and I’m certain he wouldn’t hurt me. The rest of my family, though? “I can’t be sure. It’s possible.”

“There’s only one thing to do, then,” Nina says.

I sit forward in my seat, waiting to hear what kind of plan she has. “What?”

“You’ll have to turn into a detective and follow him everywhere.”

I arch a brow. “You know how terrible I am at being inconspicuous. He’ll probably detect me right away.”

She smiles, shaking her head. “You were always the worst at playing hide and seek out of our siblings, but you can do this, I’m sure of it.”

I’m glad she’s confident, because I’m not. Isiah is sharp. Following him around Washington won’t be an easy feat. “I’ll try,” I say.

She squeezes my hand from across the table. “How is everything else?” There’s a pitying look in her eyes, and I know she means am I struggling with being intimate with a man I profess to hate?

“Oddly good,” I admit, hating the way it feels to say that.

Her eyes widen. “Really?”

I nod. “We got along better than I’d ever imagined on the honeymoon.” Except for when I found out he scared off Cathal from asking Nina to marry him. And even then, he managed to reason with me, since Cathal clearly isn’t right for Nina if he just ditches her at the first mention of mental health issues.

“Going back to the shark attack… What the hell?”

I laugh. “I was pissed off at Isiah and went swimming a little too far out.”

Her eyes widen. “You were alone?”

I swallow hard, as I know this story makes Isiah look like some kind of hero. “Yes, but Isiah noticed sharks swimming nearby and came out to get me.”

“And they attacked you?”

“Isiah managed to punch the shark in the nose and it swam away, giving us a chance to escape.”

Nina shudders. “That’s so lucky he came to your rescue. Did you even see the sharks?”

I shake my head. “Enough about my trip. What’ve you been up to since I’ve been gone?” I ask.