Page 91 of Playing Dirty

“My marinara sauce.”

She licks her lips. “Looking forward to that.”

I laugh. “How do you have any room after that lunch?”

“I have an enormous appetite, if you hadn’t already noticed.”

“Yeah, kind of gathered that over the time we’ve been fucking.” I tilt my head. “Although that order at lunch was impressive. And no leftovers.”

“I don’t leave food. It’s wasteful.”

“Couldn’t agree more.” I tap my chin. “You better eat a lot of pasta and sauce as I’ve made tonnes.”

“As long as it tastes good, I’ll eat the lot.”

“Believe me, it tastes good.” I get two wineglasses out of the cabinet, placing them on the island in my kitchen. “How was the movie?”

She groans. “How awkward was that? It felt so weird having to sit and eat with you two.”

I remove the cork from the bottle and pour us each a glass. “It’s nothing we haven’t done before over drinks.”

“That was before we started sleeping together.”

I pass her a glass. “True, but it wasn’t for a lack of trying on my end.”

Her eyes narrow as she brings the glass up to her lips and takes a sip. She hums in appreciation. “It’s not bad. I didn’t know what to buy.”

“How did you buy wine? You’re underage.”

“Why? Are you going to arrest me?”

I raise a brow and move to the other side of the island, closing the distance between us. “Don’t tempt me. I’d love to cuff you to my bed.”

She licks her lips in a way that tells me if she isn’t careful, she won’t be tasting my marinara sauce at all.

“Don’t look at me like that.”

“Like what?” Adrianna asks, innocently taking a sip of her wine.

“Like you want me to cuff you to my bed?”

She smiles. “Maybe I do.”

I growl. “I slaved away at this sauce all afternoon. So behave. I want you to get around to tasting my sauce before I cuff you to my bed for the rest of the night.”

She stands and saunters over to the pot on the stove and dips her finger in, glancing at me as she places her finger in her mouth and sucks. Her eyes widen slightly. “Delicious.”

I stand and walk over to her, grabbing her wrists and pinning them behind her back. “Careful, baby girl. You are tempting the wrong fucking man. If you push me, no dinner for you tonight.”

She shudders. “Can I not eat dinner right now so we can get to handcuffing?”

“We won’t make it through dinner if you carry on like that.” I press my erection into her backside and she moans.

“Cuff me first and then dinner?”

I bite her shoulder, the need to fuck her driving me near on insane. “You asked for it.” I pull open a drawer and grab some string, tying her wrist together behind her back. “The handcuffs are too far away.” And then I hike the hem of her dress up and bend her over a stool. “Just how I like it, no panties,” I muse.

Her pussy is glistening wet between her thighs. An invitation if ever I’ve seen one. I spank her firm, tanned ass first, groaning at the way her skin reddens.