Page 3 of Playing Dirty

His eyes narrow. “Is that right?”

“Let’s do this,” I say, cracking my neck.

“Everyone gather around and see how it’s done when I whoop Adrianna’s ass.”

Some of the students snicker at that, but I’m confident that Coach may be good at a lot of things, but he can’t beat me at tennis. “We’ll see.”

“You serve first.” He bats a tennis ball at me and I catch it with one hand.

“With pleasure.”

I volley the ball in the air and serve it wide in his service box, taking him by surprise with the speed, as he struggles to reach it, brow furrowing.

“15. Love,” Elias calls, taking the role of score keeper. “Come on, Coach. You’ve got to do better than that.”

I twirl my racket in my hands, smirking at him. “Yeah, at least hit it once.”

His eyes narrow as I grab another ball and get ready to serve.

Throwing the ball in the air, I bring my racket down and slam it in the same place, but this time he reads my move and volleys it back. We send each other racing across the court back and forth, until finally he catches me out and I can’t stretch to send it back, hitting the top of the net.

“15 all,” Elias calls.

“Not bad, Vasquez.” He claps his hands. “Right, all of you get playing.”

I glare at Coach as we’ve always had a fierce rivalry since I’m the only one who can give him a run for his money in any sport or combat.

“Now, let’s see what you’ve really got, Vasquez.”

I twirl my racket in my hands. “Gladly.”

We keep playing, matching each other point for point. Until finally, I steal the win in the first game.

“My turn to serve. Let’s see how you fare not seving.”

My eyes narrow as I watch him throwing the ball in the air repeatedly, but not serving. “Get on with it,” I snap.

He smirks. “All in good time.” On the next throw of the ball in the air, he brings his racket down and serves it at a ridiculous speed right at the back of my service box on the opposite side to where I’m standing.

I don’t reach it despite using all of my strength to push myself over there. “Fuck,” I murmur, quiet enough so he can’t hear.

“15. Love,” Coach calls out, twirling his racket in his hands.

I glare at him, knowing that it’s going to be tough to beat him at tennis with him serving, particularly since he almost beat me on my serve.

The game continues on and I lose by a few points, giving us one game each, when the bell finally sounds.

“Time to wrap it up,” Coach announces, never once taking his eyes off of me.

I shudder, as the way he’s been looking at me since this year started makes my skin crawl. Coach’s reputation with the girls at this school is disgusting, and I fear that the dirty looks he’s been giving me suggest he has his sights on me this year.

There’s no way in hell I’m losing my virginity to the biggest man whore at SA.

Forcing my eyes away from him, I gather my things and leave hastily into the changing room behind Natalya. “What have you got next?” I ask, trying to push the thoughts that Coach might be interested in me out of my mind.

“I’ve got law. What about you?” Nat asks.

“interrogation for me.”