Page 14 of Dark Debt

Whispering to the closed door, I say, “I’ll earn that trust, Macy. I deliver on every promise I make to you. To the end.”



When I wake up, Jett is still asleep, and I walk out into the kitchen to get some coffee. The gurgling sounds of the gourmet espresso maker rumble through me like distant thunder. My mind is a maze of thoughts coming and going at lightspeed.

Something has changed. Everything has changed.

It’s been such a short amount of time, but the intense feelings overwhelming me whenever Jett and I are together are undeniable. Loss is a strange thing to connect to someone through, but it provides such a strong anchor to the other person that even I know Jett and I aren’t just an arrangement anymore.

At least, I hope so.

I’d meant every word I said last night. He’s the reason my mother is alive. There’s no exaggeration or embellishment in that statement. But he’s so much more, too.

Jett is a fellow sufferer, a person filled with hidden pain, and the only one who’s ever treated me like I’m not just some kid or too weak to handle the real world. I know there’s still a lot he hasn’t told me, and I know his job is less than reputable. But…

As the espresso pours into my cup, I steam some milk to go along with it, my previous job as a barista serving me well. The smell is so familiar, and a relaxing swell of warmth melts through me as I sip the homemade latte.

I sit at the island, likely the place where Jett spends most of his time when he’s home, and examine the impersonal space again.

My heart stings with the pain of losing a mother. I’d come so close and barely survived it. The fact that Jett did and is somehow still going? I don’t know how he does it.

Even as he pushes that pain down, he deserves something to remember her by. Something that can make him smile when the grief seems too much to carry.

I want to do something for him, too. He didn’t need to step in and help. He shouldn’t have. I’m sure his uncle would be less than thrilled if he knew the details. I want to say thank you—for everything, past and present.

Jett’s computer is still open on the island from yesterday. Pulling it toward me, I quickly open the folder with his images and choose a sweet image of Jett with his mom and dad. Emailing it to myself as fast as I can, I promise to get him something that’ll make him smile. The perfect surprise.

“Good morning.” Jett saunters up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and laying a gentle kiss on my neck. “Now look who has the skills.”

He steals a sip of my coffee, humming contentedly in my ear.

“Don’t you know I was a barista before my promotion to assistant?” I remark.

Jett chuckles and scoots in next to me at the island.

“I said I checked in on occasion. I wasn’t watching constantly. I do have a job, after all.” He leans in close, his soft lips inches from mine. “Speaking of work. My boss called, and I have to head into the office for a bit. Will you be okay by yourself?”

I hate the idea of having to split, but this would actually give me a great chance to work on Jett’s gift. I smile, quickly kissing him and shifting off my chair to stand before him.

“Yes. I’ll be fine. Do your thing. I’m more than able to entertain myself.”

Jett pushes in closer, and I can feel his erection against my waist. “Oh, can you now?”

“Not like that.” I giggle against his mouth and pull back.

“Okay, okay. I’m going to get changed and head out. I’ll see you back here after? Like five-ish?”

The raise of his brows is likely more telling than he wants it to be. There’s an apprehensive hope lingering there, and my heart warms.

“Of course, Jett. I’ll be here.”

For the first time outside of the bedroom, Jett’s smile reaches his eyes. Everything hovers for a moment, extended in a place where I can just watch Jett smile and lose myself to it. I shouldn’t. Really, I should not be interested in pursuing something with this man.

But here I am, smiling back at him like a teenager as we break for the day.

* * *