As I stroke Camile's silky hair, my heart beats faster. Camile isn’t the only one who needs to brace for what’s coming ahead. I need to brace up. Mother also needs to brace up.
I hold Camile's delicate body; it haunts me that she won't be here next to me in a few months. A cold chill runs down my spine at the thought of it. I am not sure why it haunts me, but it scares the shit out of me.
Camile acts stronger than I thought she would. She gets up today, and we both head for the hospital separately.
The media are still lurking, and we think it is best if they don't see us together. At the hospital, Camile seems lost in something.
She doesn't smile, nor does she look at me for long. So, I pull her aside before the next surgery starts. "I need you to take a break if you want to," I suggest. "You look distracted, and I need you on your A-game today. I can get another junior surgeon to replace you."
“No,” Camile stubbornly disagrees. “I don’t need you to babysit me.” She continues, “I am going into the operating room with you.”
She doesn't wait for me to finish what I have to say; she walks into the prep room and has the nurses prep her.
I dart my eyes at her frequently; and even though she seems to be doing fine, she still struggles to concentrate on the surgery.
Hours later, when the surgery is done, I ask Ray to do the closure instead of Camile. She glances at me, and her eyes tell me everything on her mind. She gives me an "I don't want to be babysat" look.
But I shake my head at her. She doesn't have a choice. I am her boss, and she still has to do whatever I tell her to do in the hospital.
She angrily walks away along the hallway. When I reach my office, I find Mother on a chair, waiting impatiently.
"To what do I owe this visit?" I ask her; her frown no longer scares me. She rests her hand on the chair and swings around.
"You should quit this goddamn marriage while you can," Mother says. "I get it, Troy; you have made your choice. You don't want to marry anyone else, and I am ready to respect your decision."
I scoff as I listen to Mother's pretense of redemption. I know her too well… she isn't remorseful about wanting me to marry someone else. She doesn't regret forcing me to marry Emilie or Dorothy; she only wants to ensure I divorce Camile sooner than I plan to — just before Camile goes public about her father and mine.
"Camile's father is in town." I drop the bombshell on my mother and watch her lose her balance, "You have a lot of things to worry about, Mom." I pause. "Camile is not on top of that list."
My mother knows what it means to have Mr. Howard in town. She knows the media will go crazy once they hear his story about the sabotage a few years ago.
Mother is adamant on her decision. She leans forward to say, "You have the responsibility of ensuring the news doesn't get to the media, nor does it smell in the courtroom. You have to keep Camile and her family in check."
"What if the news gets to the media or the courtroom?" I ask. Mother's eyes widen; she can't believe I am not concerned about the hospital.
"You will lose your position as the hospital's CEO if you are in court." Mother stands up; her hands are leaning on the table as she fixes her cold gaze on me. "You don't want to go down for the sins your parents committed, so fix it."
What my mother means by “fix it” is to make sure Camile and her family are silenced. I can either silence them by paying them off, or I can silence them with threats.
"Why can't you do it?" I tell Mother before she holds the doorknob. "It is your mess; you should clean it up."
Mother turns around with a smirk on her face. “No, Troy,” she says, “you have a lot to lose if this goes up in flames, I have nothing to lose anymore.”
Mother is putting me in a tight spot. Although she was taken aback at Camile being the daughter of George Howard, she sees this as her opportunity to make me rid Camile from my life.
Threatening Camile or paying her off would make her hate me for life, and I'd lose her forever. However, waiting for Mr. Howard to go public about what my parents did to him a few years ago would mean I'd lose the hospital.
Mother proudly walks out of the hospital while she leaves me with a dilemma. I close my eyes, conflicted by what to do, but I know I must be somewhere.
Mother was right. Maybe I have to chat with Camile's father, but I am not paying him off this time or threatening him. I am negotiating with him this time, giving us a win-win situation.
After my talk with Mr. Howard, I am sure of one thing: mother won't like the outcome.
I finally got a meeting with Camile's father. He was initially stubborn, but he agreed to meet at my favorite restaurant. I told him Camile doesn't have to know about the meeting. He comes to the restaurant a few minutes after me and crosses his legs, telling the waiter he only wants water.