Mother frowns; she wants to know how I fast-tracked her treatment. "You don't need to worry about that," I say as I stroke her hair. "You just need to focus on getting better."

Mother doesn't look convinced and wonders how I can pull off her surgery, but she doesn't have the strength to continue the conversation.

I kiss her on her forehead, assuring her that she will be in the hands of the best medical team at Wallace but keeping back the part where I have to marry Troy Robinson.

Chapter eleven

Not Accepted


I feel bad about myself and how evil I sound while convincing Camile to marry me. I feel selfish, but I am currently at a crossroads to ensure I never come close to marrying Emilie.

Today is Henry and Amelia'ssurpriseproposal. I am still mesmerized by how Henry and Amelia's relationship can look so real.

They will give the media another romance to obsess over, and everyone will think they are the perfect couple in the world. While driving across the lane, I understand that I will see Camile at the party today.

I am excited and concerned at the same time. I am excited to see her beautiful eyes and concerned that she thinks I am a monster.

She thinks I tried to take advantage of her mother's health to make her marry me. Whatever she thinks, I am glad we are getting what we want.

She has grown from being the junior doctor who Mother is fond of into being the woman I will marry in a few days.

A secret marriage - I scoff while thinking about it. Who would think that I would one day want to marry someone to secretly escape Mother's matchmaking schemes?

I stop at Henry and Amelia's proposed venue. It is the famous M&B restaurant. Henry made a big deal by renting the restaurant for his proposal.

This means that everyone here consists of friends and family. I can see a few media outlets at the entrance.

I see Mother and Camile are at the same table, and I am glad that Camile still smiles at Mother as she always did.

I walk to the eight-seater table reserved for family, and as soon as I sit down, Henry and Amelia enter. Their hands are entwined.

A cameraman follows them, taking random shots. Camile's eyes meet mine as I look toward hers. She doesn't take her eyes off me immediately; she holds her gaze and looks away slowly.

I swallow hard, realizing how fascinated I am by her eyes. I wish she would never take her eyes off me.

Everyone eats while mostly looking at Henry, wondering when he will get on his knees to propose. But he doesn't propose until the servers bring the desserts out. I marvel at Amelia's effort to act surprised.

If I were not Henry's brother, I'd be convinced that she didn't know about the proposal beforehand. Everyone cheers as she says,yesto Henry, and they kiss.She smiles while showing off the ring.

I turn my head to Camile, who is also smiling. I know she deeply wishes to have a proposal like this.

"We have a wedding to plan!" I hear Mother say to Amelia's parents. It is surprising as they have been planning the wedding well before the proposal.

The wedding is in a week, so I have to marry Camile before Henry and Amelia's ceremony.

The camerapersons come around for their round of pictures, and I can guess what tomorrow's headline will look like -Henry Robinson Set to Marry Top Socialite Daughter.

I look up to see Camile leaving the restaurant and follow her. Mother's head turns in my direction, but Amelia's mother whispers something in her ear.

I run to meet Camile by the entrance, and she stops when she hears her name.

"The party is not over," I say, "so why are you in such a hurry." I wonder if she has plans with other men like Joshua.

It took a lot of self-control to stop myself from asking her about Joshua and telling her that it was dangerous to have him near her since we are soon getting married.

Camile pushes her hair behind her ear and says, “I have to prepare Mother’s things for her admission process tomorrow.”