Page 8 of Sinful Demands

With my magical powers, I now had shivering bones and chattering teeth. Newly formed icicle slivers clung to my beard, which was growing out of pale, cold skin.

“Oh my god, you’re going to freeze to death!” Before I had a chance to say a word, she wrapped her fingers around my forearm and pulled me through the entrance. “I had no idea the temperature dropped so low.”

After slamming the door, she relocked it. Our eyes met, and her heart sped up. She swallowed hard and handed me the keys.

“Um. You can stay and warm up if you need to.”

I shouldn’t have locked the gun up. Please don’t be a serial killer.

“Thank you. I’m truly grateful,” I said, trying to calm her nervousness after hearing her thoughts. “Give me a few minutes and I’ll be gone.”

Her shoulders eased before she inclined her head toward the bar. “Do you want a cup of coffee or tea?”

“Coffee is fine.”

She went behind the bar and I took a seat at it. Every move she made was precise and quick. A trained servant eager to please. I couldn’t help but wonder if she was the same in the bedroom.

Chapter 4


Thenexttenminuteswent by with only small talk while I sipped my coffee and let my fake shivering bones warm up. During our conversation, she eventually made her way to my side of the bar and was sitting close to me. Her body language told me she was severely interested. Her thoughts, the same.

How can a man have such beautiful lips?

I took the last sip of my drink to cover my knowing grin before setting the cup back on the bar. “The coffee was delicious. Thank you.”

“Would you like some more?” She gave me a genuine smile, one which showed her beauty.

“I appreciate it, but I must be going.”

Her thoughts ran wild as she hesitated on what to say.He can’t leave. Ask him about the weather. No, that’s stupid. We both know it’s cold out. Too cold to stay in a car.

“Are you really sleeping in your car?” she finally asked.

“Yes, because I’m only here for a few days so I opted for less hassle.”

“But you’ll freeze!”Offer him a place to stay. No. I can’t do that, he could be a killer.

Her inner monologue had me amused. “I’ll be fine, Kavari. I can come see you again tomorrow night, if you’d like.”

She nodded before sliding off the stool and heading behind the bar.

Offer him to stay on the couch.“I’m just saying, it’s freezing out.”

My eyes were secured on her every move while she cleaned out the coffee pot. She couldn’t stop envisioning everything she wanted me to do to her.

My cock throbbed while I watched the play-by-play in her head. It was better than high-definition pornography.

Kissing, touching, hands on throat, thrusting deep inside.

This went on for a few minutes before she was done cleaning.

Turning toward me, a slight smile adorned her face. “I guess I’ll see you later.”

Not the words I wanted to hear.

She reached for my cup, and I wrapped my fingers around her wrist, stopping her. We locked eyes and her heart accelerated.