Page 31 of Sinful Demands

“King Baharet. Pleased to meet you.” He held out his huge hand and I shook it. “I have horns,” he reassured me. “I tend to only reveal them when needed, like my brother.”

Swallowing down my nerves, I swiftly looked away, my eyes landing on the queen. She made me the most comfortable, so that’s where I was going to try and focus most of my attention.

“There’s no need to be nervous,” King Avaress said, an amusing smile filling his face. “We are here to decide who gets you because of your triumphs, not your depravity.”

I blinked repeatedly, not understanding the situation.

“I see she is here,” another man said as he entered the room. My heart raced when I took in his features. He was a large man with bright green eyes, but it was the massive golden wings that shocked me.

“Put your wings away, Hariel,” Avaress said. “This isn’t a competition.”

“Actually, it is, brother,” Baharet interjected, placing a hand on my arm. My eyes traveled to his, which seemed to be piercing my soul. “She is such a prize with the amount of souls she has acquired. We all want her, but what she doesn’t know is that I have the largest wingspan of all four realms.”

Zell cleared his throat and everyone, including me, glanced at him. “My fiancée doesn’t care who has the largest wingspan, she just wants to know where she will be residing for eternity, and wherever that might be, I will be going with her.”

“Considering she collected the most souls for me, it’s only fair that I get her.”

“I’m sorry, King Baharet,” I mumbled, unsure if I should be even speaking, “but since I worked my ass off for you, I don’t feel it’s necessary I should burn for eternity!” My voice may have started off low and shy, but the impact I brought in at the end made Baharet’s eyes widen.

“Your soul wouldn’t burn, Kavari. You have proven yourself to be an amazing Harvester. I offer you complete solace in my castle with your own room and—”

“She doesn’t want to live around all that sulfur,” Hariel interrupted, before locking eyes with me. “Your hair will always be dry and frizzy. If you come to my kingdom, you’ll receive beautiful white angel wings.”

Queen Astrid snickered. “Yeah, once you earn them.”

“She wants to live in my kingdom,” King Avaress said, fighting to claim me like some prized possession. “I have the most—”

“Stop,” the queen commanded, and surprisingly all the kings seemed embarrassed. “You three are enough to drive the most angelic souls to want to commit murder! Let the woman decide where she aspires to be without all this nonsense.”

My heart thundered in my chest when all the eyes in the room locked on me. Raising my hand, I went with my gut instincts and pointed at the one leader I would want to follow. “I choose Queen Astrid!”

“Of course you do,” Hariel said, a hard sigh escaping him. “It’s hard to vie with such beauty.”

“Avaress,” the queen said as she held out her hand. He sprang up, promptly helping her from her seat. Once standing, my eyes locked on her large belly. She smiled, rubbing her hands across it. “He’s due any day now.”

“That’s amazing. Congratulations,” I said, but my mind was spinning with the fact that demons can get pregnant.

“I’m glad you chose to stay here, Kavari. Are there any demands?” she asked.

I glanced at Zell, wondering if I should say what I wanted.

“That can be arranged,” King Avaress said, listening to my thoughts again. “As long as my brother agrees.” His eyes traveled to Baharet, as did mine.

“If you wish to be a Harvester for me and still live here at Abaddon Kingdom, I’m fine with it.”

“Since I have no stock in this. I’m leaving,” the angel king said. “It was nice meeting you, Kavari.” In a flash, Hariel disappeared.

“You and Zell have free rein to go to Earth as often as you want to collect souls for Baharet,” Avaress said. “But make sure you look nothing like your former self.”

“Of course, sir.” Happiness filled me, knowing I still got to do what I loved.

Eightyearslater.. .

“How are you feeling, little honey bee?”

“Miserable. This little demon won’t stop kicking the shit out of me.”

Zell placed his hand on my stomach, a look of pride adorning his face. “This one is a boy.”