Page 29 of Sinful Demands

“Of course.” The man jumped up and pulled my seat out with quickness. “What’s a beautiful woman like you doing here alone?”

I refrained from rolling my eyes at the same line almost every asshole said when I took a seat.

“I’m here to collect your soul.”

He laughed but as I glared, unamused, his smiling face turned into one of confusion. Since there were plenty of evil people in the world I needed to find, I didn’t waste time.

“I have otherworldly connections you wish you had, and they tell me that you visit your daughter’s bedroom at inappropriate times.” He sucked in a massive breath, panic settling on his face. “Before you contemplate running away, know it won’t bode well for you. My connections are evil demons who won’t hesitate to rip your insides out. Do you understand?”

He’s a nervous one,I told Zell.

The man glanced around the room, an uncertainty settling on his face before he nodded.

“Good. Then I’m going to keep this simple and short. We know what you’re doing and here are your only two options. The first is, you’re going to leave your wife and child behind. And before you think it, no, that doesn’t mean you get to explain what you have been doing. It means you leave town tonight andnevercome back. You will lose all contact with your family, and will never lay hands on a child again. Once agreeing to these terms, you will also sign a contract stating I own your soul, which means I get to choose your final resting place. If you never break our contract, I will contemplatenotsending you to Hell where your conscience will live in agonizing pain, burning for eternity. But that’s up for debate further down the road . . . I mean, unless you die sooner than later.”

I glanced at Zell, whose proud grin made me blush.You’re so gorgeous, little honey bee.

“What’s option two?” the man asked, bringing my attention back to him.

“Do you see that extremely sexy man right there?” I pointed to Zell who held up his martini. “He’s not really human. He’s a demon who can and will rip your guts out like I stated before. Because of how horrible a person you have been, your soul will go straight to Hell tonight. He’s currently telling me everything you are thinking, and the answer to your question is no. I don’t need him to do my dirty work. After finding out what you did to your daughter, I have no problem stabbing you in the parking lot.” I leaned in close, my voice becoming low. “And believe me, it wouldn’t be my first time.”

The man’s face paled even more, a cold sweat breaking out on his forehead.

I picked up my wine glass and swirled it around. “I’ll give you a second to decide your fate.”

“I’ll sign the contract,” he blurted without hesitation.

I got him.

Zell heard my thoughts, appearing with a scroll in his hand. I watched the beautiful profile of his face while he rolled it open, sitting it on the table.

“No one around here can see me, her, or anything we touch,” Zell said to the man. “So that thought you just had about stabbing me in self-defense is stupid on your part. Especially since I’m already dead.”

The man started panting, his eyes darting from me to Zell and back again.

Zell held out a pen with a smile. “Sign it.”

This was my favorite part of harvesting souls from humans. Zell couldn’t lie about the contracts because of the king’s laws. But since I was bidding for him, and a human, I didn’t have to abide by their rules. I could lie all I wanted.

Zell told me that back in his realm, some demons were calling me the Deceiver of Death. I felt like I was living up to the nickname Zell gave me. Smooth and gracious as a little honey bee, but once my stinger was unleashed, I was lethal as a scorpion.

Did I feel guilty? Not one bit. I actually liked the name and felt I had earned it. These humans not only lied, but deceived, raped, tortured, or murdered to satisfy their wicked desires.

The type of humans we were targeting deserved worse than the swift deaths they got.

The man did as Zell commanded, quickly applying a signature before he rose from the table. “Can I go now?”

It also helped that the humans never read the binding papers before signing.

“You can’t,” I said before taking a sip of wine. “I own your soul and I have sentenced you to death.”

“You lied to me!”

“Yeah, and you lied to your wife and child when you said you would protect them!”

Zell glanced down at me. “Heart attack or brain aneurysm?”

“Not his heart since he doesn’t have one.”