Page 25 of Sinful Demands

She blinked, her eyes barely focusing. “What?”

I materialized a glass of orange juice into my hand. “Drink this, honey bee.”

She took the cup, taking small sips. I lowered myself next to her on the bed, caressing her leg until she felt better again.

“I’m sorry that happened to you,” I said, and I truly was. Anger was still burning through me, but another feeling hit me—empathy.

She leaned her head onto my shoulder. “It’s okay. I think I just need some food.”

“That’s not what I meant. I’m sorry for what that guy did to you.”

She pulled away from me, her eyes darting to my face. “What are you talking about?”

“You’re sick because I used my magic. I heard your thoughts when you called yourself a murderer and I had to know what you did. I can get the king to pardon you. I’ll show him that you only killed—”

“You dug through my memories?” She jumped from the bed, face filled with anger.

I stood up, regret filling me. “Well, yes, but I needed to know—”

“You didn’tneedto know anything. It wasn’t your business!”

“Kavari, I’m—” I went to place my hand on her shoulder to calm her, but she jerked away like I was going to taint her with my stained soul.

“Don’t touch me.” The vile thoughts she had told me my actions were abhorrent—unforgivable. “You’re no better than my father. Just another liar.”

The more she thought about how much I hurt her, the tighter my chest became. It was a feeling I wasn’t used to having, nor did I know what it meant.

“Get out of my house.”

“We have a contract that you must uphold until death.”

“I would rather be dead than ever see your face again,” she spat. “I hate you.”

The agony that came next sent fire through my veins, following the route straight to my heart. A dark shadow seemed to fall upon me, my chest tightening.What is this unnatural feeling?

I cleared my throat, fighting back the urge to hug her. “If you want me to leave—”

“I do,” she interrupted, not giving me a chance to speak on my behalf.

I swallowed my . . . pain.Is that what I’m feeling? Why would I feel pain if I’m uninjured?“Then I shall talk to the king about breaking the contract.”

“You do that!”

My eyes lingered on her face, which was blotchy from crying. I realized this was going to be my last memory of her before I closed my eyes, ripping myself out of her world.

Sparkles of light danced across my vision when my body propelled through the veil. Landing back in my realm, gasps of panic took over me.What the fuck did I do?

The look she wore on her face was engraved in my memory, flashing in my mind over and over as I slowly walked toward the castle. Kavari used to feel safe around me—I’d heard it in her thoughts on numerous occasions over the last few months. I broke her trust just like every other man in her life.

Once in the throne room, I bowed my head, waiting to speak.

“Why so somber, Zell?” the king asked, his eyebrows furrowed in concern.

“I would like to break the contract I have with Kavari Dexter.”

“And why is that?” the queen asked, a suspicious look on her face.

I took a deep breath as rage seethed out of me. “I’m sick of her! She’s insubordinate. She insists on saving these pitiful humans instead of doing her job! She’s too damn prideful to work with a demon! That’s the fucking problem. Excuse my language, Queen Astrid. I’m not trying to offend, I’m just angry! Kavari’s pride keeps impacting—”