Page 23 of Sinful Demands

“Is it too chilly for you?”

“Just fuck the cold away,” I said with a shiver. “Hard and fast.”

Zell let out a low growl before lifting my leg and slamming his cock into me. The sights and sounds of the city washed away with my ecstasy, my tits bouncing in the wind with each thrust he took.

A finger went into my ass and I gasped, now at the peak of my bliss. He dropped my leg, moving his hand to my throat, inciting a moan from me. As his grip tightened, my pussy squeezed harder around his cock.

My orgasm came rapidly, sending quakes through my muscles. He let out a moan, my insides filling with warmth.

Now boneless, my entire body sagged, my eyes closing. Cold wind slapped the sweat on my body, sending shivers through me. Zell scooped me up and carried me into the house.

“I have to clean up,” I whimpered. That was the worst thing about being a woman. Even after the most satisfying, greatest sex ever, we still had to tend to our bodies.For once, I wish I could just go to sleep and not worry about getting a UTI.

Zell said nothing as he took me to the bed and laid me down. Before I had a chance to move, he snapped his finger. My entire body was now clean and dry. I also had a fresh pair of panties on. A relaxed, satisfied sigh left me. He laid down next to me and covered us up before placing soft kisses on my shoulder until I fell asleep.

Chapter 10


KavariandIhadsettled into a solid routine. With permission from the king, I had free range to come and go as I pleased until she was trained. Four nights a week we would scour for souls and she would advertently find a solution to their problems. I would get angry with her and that would lead us to fuck out our frustrations. She and I had both enjoyed her being insubordinate for far too long. Now it was time for her to take the role seriously.

We were lounging comfortably in bed when I tipped my head, peering down at her. “We have been doing this for three months and you have not managed to obtain one solid contract.”

She locked her phone and laid it on her stomach. “It’s not my fault.”

“It absolutely is. You feel the need to fix these people instead of doing your job.”

“Because you choose people that are just down on their luck. Why can’t you pick bad people like murderers and rapists?”

“I ignore those types of humans because their souls are contracts for Hellikan, not for Abaddon.”

Her brows furrowed in confusion. “What’s the difference between the two?”

“Hellikan is a completely different realm and is only for the most nefarious of people with tainted souls like the murderers and rapists you speak of. The souls that eventually reside there are for Harvesters to obtain. Since I am only a Reaper, I cannot establish contracts with them.”

She blinked in confusion, her thoughts going wild.Oh, no.La la la. No words. Blueberry. Strawberry. La la la.“Isn’t that the same thing?” she quickly said, covering what she was thinking.

I refrained from suspiciously narrowing my eyes on her while I explained, hoping she would think something with more context. “No, love. Reapers collect souls for King Avaress. They keep the Abaddon Kingdom flourishing. Without the magic the souls contain, we wouldn’t have a realm. The Harvesters collect the souls of the most heinous individuals for the King of the Underworld. The darkness those souls have keeps the fires there burning. They’re like fuel.”

A fearful look adorned her face while I listened to her thoughts again.

I’m a murderer. Shit. La la la. No words. Pineapple. Coconut. Avocado. Pizza.

Every time she didn’t want me to know what she was thinking, she would repeat random words in her head, trying to trick me. Normally, she did it when she didn’t want me to know her plans on not contracting a soul, but this conversation was about awful humans and Hell.

“You keep thinking about food. Are you a hungry little bee?” I asked, trying to distract her from the fact that I knew her little trick.

“Actually, I was contemplating on showering and ordering takeout.”

“You go bathe and I’ll order us some Chinese food from your favorite place.”

“Sounds good to me!” She hopped up and grabbed some clean clothes, her thoughts repeating.Shower. Takeout. Shower. Murderer. Shit. Takeout.She tripped over her feet, heading to the bathroom with speed.

The door shut, leaving my mind reeling about what the fuck she was hiding from me. I knew her entire life from the day she turned eighteen until present time and not one thing she did would make her evil enough to burn for eternity.

Even though I knew she would be pissed off, after sitting with my thoughts for a few minutes, I decided to do something evil, myself.

With very little self-respect, I tapped into her memories and scoured the three months prior to her eighteenth birthday. What I found was shocking, but not heinous enough to send her to Hellikan.