Page 20 of Sinful Demands

I smiled at the compliment and glanced around to find Zell. He was back at the bar, but I wasn’t sure if anyone else but me could see him.

The waiter showed up with a bottle of red wine and Robert poured us both some. We made small talk before the conversation went toward more real-life topics. He told me where he went to college and about his career as a financial advisor.

“Do you have any kids?” he asked, pouring me my third glass of wine.

“I don’t,” I lied easily, like I had been for eleven years. Not wanting Zell to hear my thoughts, I quickly said something in my head that I knew would get his attention.

Is fucking him part of the job?I glanced at Zell and he shook his head, an envious expression plastered on his face.Or should I just crawl under the table and suck him off?I asked. His glare warned me of the thin line I was walking, and it made me smile in triumph.

“You know everything about me, but you haven’t told me what you do for a living,” Robert said, bringing my attention back to him.

“I collect souls for a demon.” I picked up my wine and took a sip as he laughed.

“That must be a demanding job, but probably easy for someone so beautiful.” He chuckled again before taking my hand, running his thumb back and forth on the top of it. “What do you really do?”

“I’m a bartender.”

“Someone as gorgeous as you must make a lot of tips.”

I shrugged, thinking about the amount of bills I had. “Sometimes.”

Robert ordered us an appetizer before the conversation led directly to money, like Zell said it would. Being a bartender for years, I had learned how to get people to open up. I found it easy to be an unpaid and unlicensed therapist.

After I told him about some of my financial problems, he reluctantly told me about his. The relief of finally letting go of his secret plastered across his face while he poured us more wine.

My ideas of seducing him had completely faded away when my eyes caught the golden band on his finger for the tenth time. “I see you’re married. Have you told your wife?”

He took a deep inhale as he ran his thumb across the back of the ring, spinning it nervously. “I haven’t. My wife is an amazing woman who loves me, but I’m afraid she’ll leave. In the past, I wouldn’t even have had a drink with you. I’m not a cheater. I just . . . I’m just scared.”

“I believe you. I don’t think you had any plans of cheating, otherwise you would’ve taken your ring off. We are just two adults enjoying each other’s company. You may have flirted but you haven’t made any major advancements on me yet.”

He nodded before holding his glass close to his lips. “But I wanted to.”

“Listen, Robert. I have enjoyed your company but I’m not about to break up a marriage because you made a mistake out of fear. Go home and tell your wife about the money you lost. If she loves you the way you say she does, she won’t leave.”

His phone rang and he glanced down at it. “It’s her.”

“Answer it,” I encouraged. He hesitated, staring at it with fear. I swiftly placed my hand on top of his. “You can do this.”

With a deep inhale, Robert put the phone to his ear. “Hello. Yes, I will be home shortly, sweetheart. I know I’ve been spending too much time away from you but that’s about to change. I’m leaving now and will be there in twenty minutes. I love you too.” He hung up the phone and let out a hard breath. “Thank you, Kavari.”

He pulled his wallet out and I put my hand on his wrist, stopping him. “I’ll take care of the bill. Use your money to go buy your wife the biggest bouquet of roses you can find.”

“Lillies are her favorite.”

A huge smile spread across my face. “Mine too.”

“It was nice meeting you.” He stood up and pushed in his chair. “Thank you again.”

Robert walked away and my eyes drifted to the bar. Zell was gone and I wondered where he went. When I righted my head, he appeared in Robert’s seat.

“Shit. You scared me!”

“You sent the man to fix his own problems. That wasn’t your job, little bee.”

I reached for the bill. “No, but I—”

“I already took care of it.”