Chapter 1
Thesoundofsuccessrang in my ears when a scroll vibrated, bringing my eyes to the shelf, wondering which idiot broke their contract this time.
I used my magic to glide the scroll through the air and into my hand. Excitement filled me as I rolled it open, skimming the page until I found the name.
Raymond Dexter.
A gambling man deep in debt due to his alcohol and poker addiction. In his mind, he theorized if he played hard enough, he could become a billionaire, but unfortunately, the odds were stacked against him.
This guy had to be the unluckiest person on the face of the Earth, constantly managing to get himself into the stupidest of situations. He frequently bet against the odds with no regard for what he would lose. The stakes got higher after he stumbled upon a summoning spell he had no business using.
Once he invoked me, he tried to change his mind and say he didn’t need help—not from a demon, anyway—which was predictable in humans. That was my cue to engage him in conversation and find out the reason I was called upon to begin with. After a few minutes of talking about his debt and a few questionable life choices, he was ready to sign over anything he could if I paid off the loan sharks.
Breaking out my usual contract, I offered him to be debtless for the low price of his soul, but under one condition: all gambling was off the table. The contract stipulated he couldn’t visit a casino or indulge in any gambling activity, otherwise the agreement would be terminated.
The rules were ancient and declared we could only take souls from the bargainer or someone they truly loved. After I explained the terms, he consented to the agreement, however at the last moment decided his soul was not the stake he wanted to gamble.
Not remembering whose life he offered, I reread the contract and an evil smile spread across my face.
It was a beautiful day to take the soul of Kavari Dexter. Daughter of the drunken gambling addict, and waitress at a bar, her soul now belonged to me.
With a snap of my fingers, I was outside the throne room, ready to get permission from the king to collect my earnings. The guard hastily stepped aside when I held up the glowing scroll.
A prideful smile locked on my face when I sauntered through the large double doors and made my way to the head of the room. Upon two black leather thrones trimmed in gold ornate wood sat the reigning King Avaress, alongside Queen Astrid.
When I approached, the queen was finishing telling the king a story. She giggled.
“Well, I’m glad you had fun, my love,” he said with a kind smile, one he rarely wore for anyone but her.
I stopped at the front of the room and bowed my head, waiting for approval to speak.
“You may rise.”
I did as the king bade before my eyes locked on the queen, her face plastered with happiness.
“Hey, Zell!”
“Hello, My Queen. You look lovely today.”
She gave me a polite smile. “Thank you.”
“I see you have a broken contract,” the king interrupted with a smile far more nefarious than the queen’s.
“I need permission to collect my bounty.”
“Where is this one located?”
Beyond eager to go, I hadn’t even looked at the destination. I swept my gaze down, skimming the scroll before looking back at the king. “Seattle, Washington.”
“Can I come?” Astrid asked with an excited squeal.
The king’s head whipped toward the queen before he rose from his throne and made his way to her. Placing one hand on each side of her chair, he leaned into her face. “You can try to follow him and see how far you get.”
The queen giggled, and I rolled my eyes at their flirtation.
Everyone who resided in the Abaddon Kingdom was aware of Queen Astrid’s persistent attempts to flee for amusement. A conversation I preferred not to be involved in. I cleared my throat, getting the king’s attention.