Page 12 of Sinful Demands


Ourfuckingwasglorious,leaving me wanting more. Kavari, on the other hand, quickly got dressed after being momentarily confused about her torn underwear. She wasted no time, frantically cleaning the bar. After grabbing another towel, she sprayed some cleaner on the bar top for the third time.

I can’t believe I did that. People sit here!

“Are you okay, Kavari?”

She glanced toward me and nodded. “Just so you know, I never do this. Ever!”

“I know. You’ve explained it several times now.”

She shook her head, continuing to wipe the counter.Who does that on a bar?

Unable to continue listening to her inner turmoil, I grabbed her wrist, halting her frantic cleaning. “What you did was out of primal instinct. Your body needed it. You cannot change what happened so there is no point in tearing yourself up about it.”

“Is it that obvious?” she asked, and I nodded. She sighed, her shoulders easing before nervously biting her lip.

With it being late, I decided it was time to explain my presence. “I have to be honest, Kavari. I didn’t show up here by accident. I’m here because of your father.”

Her brows scrunched in confusion before she jerked her wrist from me, anger running through her thoughts.Perfect. I’m being used by yet another asshole.

“I have a proposition for you. Well, more like a demand.” After summoning my magic, a scroll appeared in my hand, making her gasp.

“What the actual fuck?”

I refrained from laughing, instead rolling it open before handing it to her. “Read this.”

Her gorgeous brown eyes were barely visible through her long lashes while she read the words. Excitement filled me as I waited for her reaction. It would be fun teaching her how to obtain souls, then fucking her at the end of each day, or at least that’s what I had planned.

I was elated when she smiled, assuming she approved of the contract, until I heard her thoughts.

This is a stupid fucking joke.

The laugh she released when she tried to hand me the scroll was slightly husky, but more beautiful than a songbird. “Did my dad put you up to this?”

“I’m unsure how to answer the question. He signed the contract and broke it, so in a manner of speaking, yes.”

She rolled her eyes, continuing to hold the paper out to me. “Listen, I don’t have time for this. I have to get home and get shit done before bed.”

“I don’t think you understand the importance of the contract. It states—”

“I read it, but since demons don’t exist, it’s stupid. So was the little magic show you put on.” Her face was filled with annoyance, her thoughts the same. “You could have just fucked me and left, ya know?”

“The contractis realand your soul—”

“Get out!” She shoved the paper in my face and this time I took it. “I’m done with this bullshit.”

She came out from behind the bar and headed toward the door.

I waited until she was close to it before I calmly stated, “No.”

This fucking prick!

Her face filled with anger when she whipped toward me. Not that I didn’t already know from the vulgar vocabulary going through her thoughts. The visions she had involving her kicking my ass were quite amusing to see. Kavari seemed sweet and innocent, yet somehow intimidating. She was like a little honey bee, gentle and non-threatening unless defending its hive. “Get out or I’ll call the cops.”

“And tell them what? Your pathetic father signed you up for a lifetime of bidding to a demon?”

For someone so short, she was brave enough to close the distance between us in record time. “Leave now!” Her teeth were gritted so tight, I was surprised I understood her words.