Page 5 of Sinful Demands

“Kavari? Exceptionally unique.”

My name sounded like pure music when it rolled off of Zell’s lips, making my breaths heavy. I kept my face blank, trying not to show the excitement a random ass stranger was giving me.

I cleared the tightness in my throat before asking, “Do you need your drink topped off?”

Once again, his eyes were locked on my face while he shook his head and smiled.

At this point, I was irritated as fuck.

Who comes to a bar at last call and gets a soda?

Who shows no interest in a desperate woman that has all but flashed him the goodies?

Apparently, this dude.

“It’s a beautiful name. One I haven’t heard before,” he continued.

Looking back at his gleaming eyes, his beautiful face, his hard tattoo-covered muscles, his. . .Okay, stop looking.

I figured if he didn’t want to go home with me, maybe at least I could get some money out of him. Not that the one soda I served him deserved much‌ of a tip, but shit, I had bills.

Living on my own was expensive, and paying bills off minimum wage sucked. I routinely told customers the same pitiful story because they usually tipped higher if they felt empathy for me. It’s better than telling them my dad was an alcoholic gambling addict who only came around when he needed money. And I hadn’t seen my mom since she ran off with a dude named Ted who promised her the world when I was only fourteen.

“My dad has been obsessed with owning an expensive car since before I was born. When my mom got pregnant, she wanted to name me Kay after my dead grandma. My dad wanted to name me Ferrari because of his obsession. My mom’s name was Vivian, so he joked about naming me Kay Vivian Ferrari.” I had emotion in my voice while I grabbed the kosher salt tub and popped the top off. “Since I was born early, they hadn’t decided on a name yet. My mom died giving birth, so my dad mixed all the names together and raised me alone.”

Of course, I had changed the story, making it more elaborate throughout the years, but it remained close to the same because the pity tips paid off. Since my rent was three days past due, I decided to lay it on a little thicker than usual, adding more lies.

As I sniffed like I was on the verge of tears, I slid the rimmer open and topped off the salt inside for the next night’s shift, before continuing my story.

“It was hard being raised by a poor man, but he did the best he could. I enjoy the simpler things in life now. I just wish I had the money to go to college. It’s too late, though. I am kind of old for that. Maybe if I had a mom to share my hopes and dreams with, I wouldn’t be as lonely.”

When the mysterious man didn’t say anything, I wondered if I went too far. I glanced up to ensure I hadn’t made him cry and his suspicious gaze was narrowed on me.

A weird tingling danced across my brain like a wave of electricity, making me dizzy. I felt hot, then cold. My mind seemed to be flooded with thoughts, yet no thoughts at all. It was like I was stripped bare, yet the warmth of the room was still comforting me. Assuming it was exhaustion or lack of food, I closed my eyes tight and shook off the feeling. Thankfully, it left as suddenly as it came.

“Are you okay?” he asked with a sardonic expression.

“Umm, I’m fine. I need to eat.” Feeling a little scrutinized, I quickly asked, “How did you get the name Zell?”

He cocked his head and smirked. An arrogant and knowing grin played on his face. “The same exact way you got your name.”

Realizing those sparkling blue irises were seeing right through my bullshit, I swallowed hard. A superior con sniffed me out and metaphorically laid a king of hearts on top of my jack of clubs.

This game was over, and I’d lost.

“Well, I have to close. Have a good night.”

He stood from his seat, his beautiful eyes conveying he was proud he had won, but disappointed in my response. “You too, Kavari. Thanks for the entertainment.”


My eyes locked on his tattooed hands as he threw down a twenty-dollar bill before heading out the door. I took a deep breath before pocketing the money.

Chapter 3


Usingmymagic,Idug through her memories from eighteen and up. By our old rules, what she did before that age didn’t taint her soul. The lack of faith Kavari had in human men wasn’t surprising after seeing her life play out at rapid speed. She had been fucked over so many times, even by her parents, I was astonished she entertained the idea of sleeping with me, but she did, over and over.