Page 3 of Sinful Demands

After filling up a few more beers, I started cleaning up and preparing to close. A tray of clean margarita glasses needed to be put back on the rack, so I grabbed them and went to work.

The rusty Christmas bells hanging on the front door jingled when it opened, letting me know we either had a late straggler or someone was leaving. I glanced toward it, hoping it was the latter of the two.

The man’s gaze locked on mine as he shut the door, sending a cold night breeze through the room, and shivers through me. It left me wondering,why the hell is he running around without a coat?

With an exhausted sigh, I continued hanging the glasses until he approached.

When he pulled out the bar stool, I turned around. “You have time for . . .” When I glanced into the stranger’s beautiful blue eyes, they stopped me from being able to think anything other than,Holy shit. He’s sexy.

The air in the room seemed to be sucked away when he took a seat at the bar. His dark hair was shaggy on top, giving him the “I-don’t-give-a-fuck” attitude. Not that the tattooed sleeves he had didn’t convey the statement on their own. My heart threatened to beat out of my chest, making it hard for me to muster myself enough to finish the sentence.

“Umm, for half a beer if you’re lucky.”

The smirk he gave me before he cocked his head was just as sexy as he was. “I’ll take a cup of soda to go if it’s alright with you?”

Anything you want is alright with me.“Is Pepsi okay?” I bit my lip, trying to control my dirty thoughts.

He nodded.

I filled a cup, snapped a lid on, and slid it in front of him along with a straw. “Since it’s late, it’s on the house.”


His sky-blue eyes locked on me, causing a lump to form in my throat. I was used to being looked at like I was a piece of meat since I’d worked in a bar most of my life, but the way his eyes didn’t leave my face wasn’t what I was used to. It felt more like I was a prize in a game he’d won.

“What’s your name?”

I tilted my head, mirroring the stranger’s relaxed demeanor. “What’s yours?”

He smiled, flashing me a beautiful set of perfect teeth. “Zell.”

“What kind of name is that?” Jay’s date asked, breaking the eye contact I had with the hot guy.

Jay sighed, holding out his debit card. I contained my laugh while I took it and stepped up to the POS system.

After running his tab, I handed him his card and receipt. “Be safe going home.”

“You too.” Jay stood up and helped his date with her coat before throwing a wad of cash on the bar with a smile. “I’ll see you next weekend.”

They strolled off and I quickly pocketed the tip.

After setting their glasses in the sink, I ran water and added soap. Unaware of how I knew it, since I was blatantly avoiding eye contact, I was certain the stranger’s gaze was locked on me while I worked.

When I first became a bartender, I took the bait most men threw down. Assuming I was truly desired, in any way other than sexually, had me accompanying random men home during the first year. Unfortunately, those one-night stands never led to anything other than a few semi-fun nights—andplentyof unfinished orgasms.

Even though the hot onesweren’tusually a good lay, I was willing to go home with Zell. Maybe I would get lucky for once and he would fuck me crooked. Doubtful, but worth a shot.

This one time I was blessed with a guy I met, or at least I thought so. He was hot as fuck, well endowed, and knew how to use it. Unfortunately, he loved oral but refused to reciprocate. Not to mention all of our sexual encounters were also onhistimeline. Since he pleased me in other ways, I overlooked it. What I couldn’t ignore was the fact that he “accidentally” slept with other women.

It hadn’t been the first time my heart had been broken—not even the most agonizing. Just another painful lesson added to the list.

Afterward, I realized it was impossible to create a relationship from a one-night stand. If I decided to go home with someone, it was for pleasure and nothing else.

With winter depression hitting me hard this year, my sexual desires dropped, leaving me seeking relief from only myself.

Until now.

Mr. Blue Eyes had me feeling fantastic. I was ready to be pleased by him. Shit, I was ready to drop to my knees andplease him.