Page 13 of Sinful Demands

“He’s a gambling addict, deep in debt due to his irresponsible choices.”

“Everyone in town knows how he is!”

“He has missed your birthday more times than he has remembered it.”

Her mouth fell agape before she snapped it shut, furrowing her brows. “He probably told you!”

“I don’t need him to tell me because I know everything you’re thinking. At this point, I’m certain I know you better than anyone. Including yourself.”

“You don’t know a fucking thing!”

I leaned into her face and the only thing I could think of was how delicious her lips tasted mere moments ago. “I knew exactly how to truly please you,” I whispered. “Unlike anyone else you’ve fucked.”

“So you’re good in bed. That doesn’t mean shit!”

My arrogance was nearly seeping from my pores before spilling out my mouth. “You have a vibrator in your top drawer. It’s blue, which is your favorite color, but not your favorite one to use. The purple one had been for two years, but it broke. Since that model doesn’t exist anymore, it was the closest you could find.”

Her mouth gaped for a few seconds before outrage filled her mind as she jumped to conclusions. “You’ve been stalking me?”

“I don’t need to stalk you. I can tell you everything you’ve done for the last eleven years.”

Her eyes scoured my face, looking for a sliver of dishonesty. “Bullshit!”

“You stay at this dead-end job because you are too frightened to see what the real world has to offer you.”

More anger filled her thoughts and she shoved me away. “I am not!”

“Then why are you furious? Does the truth hurt, little honey bee?”

“Honey bee?” She furrowed her brows, her now tight lips looking less delicious. “No, because it’s a lie!”

Every time she yelled, I became more amused, my cock growing hard once again. “Your favorite food is anything with red sauce, you lost your virginity before the age of eighteen, and your favorite show is Game of Thrones.”

“Like I said, stalker!” She crossed her arms with a huff. “A few days and anyone could learn that!”

“You lie to get tips. You’re swimming in bills because you’re continuously loaning your father money even though you know he’ll never pay it back. Not one person in the world knows you wanted to go to college to become a Private Investigator, which honestly surprised me. It’s not a profession I would have guessed for you.” Her eyes widened, but she remained silent. I took it as an opportunity to move in close, lowering my voice to a whisper. “I have extensive insight into your secrets, Kavari. More than you are willing to admit to anyone. It’s the secrets we keep that tear us apart. Like dating a married man for three months before you found out he was married, but continuing to screw him, hoping he falls in love.”

“Fuck you! Get out of my bar.”

With the contract still in my hand, I shoved it into her face, pointing to the bloodstains on the scroll. “I’m not leaving. You are bound by blood. That’s your father’s fingerprint right fucking there!”

“You think I’m going to believe a psychopath who—”

I released my wings, silencing her and causing her heart rate to quicken.

“What. The. Fuck.”

I gave her a prideful smile. “Glorious, are they not?”

She backed away, slowly at first, before turning and running for the door. Of course, I teleported to it before she even got halfway.

She stopped so fast she fell to her hands and knees. Placing her forehead against the hardwood floor, small sobs of defeat left her.

This can’t be real. This can’t be real,she thought over and over.

“It’s real,” I said, making her suck in a jagged breath.

Why did he do this to me? Why?