Page 5 of Blinded By Love

Only one thing can fix my shit mood right now and I know exactly how to get it. The thought crosses my mind as I slam on the gas pedal, speeding out of the empty parking lot of one of our out of the way warehouses we own. Oh, yes. I know exactly how to fix my morning.

“Wrennnn.” I moan softly picturing the woman who has been haunting my dreams this last month. Her honey blond hair, creamy white skin, and those fucking hauntingly beautiful wide eyes. I hear a gasp from under my desk and roll back to let my newest secretary out.

“My name is not Wren. It's Bethany.” She whines and it’s like nails on a chalkboard. I tuck my dick back into my pants before standing to straighten my shirt and tie.

“Yeah, and my name isn’t daddy, but you were still calling me that when I had you bent over my desk yesterday.” She stares wide eyed at me, making me realize I’m going to have to find another new secretary after today.

Without a second glance, I turn, heading to the door and walking out into the hall. I head over to Maverick’s office across from mine, walking right in, not caring if he's busy or not.

Mav is hunched over a pile of paperwork with a deep frown on his face. After another minute or so, he finally notices me. He straightens the tornado he calls a desk as I take a seat in front of him. “I need a new secretary and I need this one gone today.” I say, trying to peek at whatever had him so lost in thought.

“Why this time? Let me guess.” He places his finger on his cheek, pretending to really think about it. “You ripped her clothes, and she threw a fit? No. You realized she is just a pair of tits and is not qualified for this job. No! I got it, wrong hole again?” I give him a blank stare, not amused.

“That was one time, and I was halfway to being drunk. No. I called her someone else’s name. Then her voice got all whiny and too high pitched for my liking.”

“Who?” he asks, but I know he already knows who, so I just glare at him.

“Wren’s?” he asks to make sure, so I give a small nod. Ever since that night in the alley, she has been running through my mind, haunting my dreams, and making me an obsessed man.

My little bird.

That night is constantly replaying in my mind. Dealing with that piece of shit, Johnny. I figured we would dump the body in the trash can, then head out to grab some dinner, but then Jax found little Wren trying to crawl away unseen. The moment I laid eyes on her, I knew she was mine.

Looking up, I stare at him from across the desk. “I am scheduled to meet with her today to discuss a loan.” I pause, waiting for his reaction. I know he likes her, but he tries to pretend he doesn’t. “To talk to her about her book shop. From what I’ve heard, her business partner is moving across the country and she is looking for someone to help pay for the place.” He nods but doesn’t answer. “Want to come with?” His eyes lift to mine this time, so I smirk. He can’t hide how he feels from us.

“You don’t think she will recognize our voices? I’ve read a thing that said when someone is blind, or loses one of their senses, the other senses intensify.” I smirk at this.

“So, you’ve been doing research on our girl?” He glares at my question but doesn’t respond, letting me know I’m right.

“I’m just curious about her. I haven’t been able to find any actual information about her, but I have a guy looking into her history more. So far, he hasn’t gotten back to me yet. She is an unknown and we need no more problems.” He pauses, taking a deep inhale. “Look, I know you find her fascinating, but you can have any woman you want. What about Tiffany? Isn’t she moving back to town soon? You know she is going to want us back.” he lifts an eyebrow in question.

I sneer at that bitch’s name. “I couldn’t give a fuck if she was moving back to town. That bitch is nothing to me. She jumps from cock to cock, waiting for something bigger and better to maintain the lifestyle she thinks she deserves. Wren is nothing like that. You see where she lives. She runs a bookstore and reads to kids for fun. She is innocent and needs to be protected.” My voice was rising in intensity by the end of my rant and I couldn’t tell you if it was due to the thought of that cunt Tiffany’s name or if I’m pissed that Wren still lives in that piece of shit apartment living off top ramen and leftovers.

“Xander. Wren doesn’t belong in our world. She wouldn’t fit in. She is a liability. Charm her into your pants, then fuck her out of your system. Let her meet a nice guy, settle down, have a few kids, and live that white picket fence dream most women fantasize about.” Mav says all this with a calm voice but I see when he clenches his fist at the mention of her meeting a guy and having kids.

He is right that our world is dangerous, but I’ve watched Wren for the last month. She is stronger than he gives her credit for. Plus, I live by my father’s last words, “Take what you want, protect what’s yours and give no fucks about the rest.”

I’m about to repeat those words to him, but my phone ringing stops me. I pull it out of my pants pocket and answer. “What?”

“She just stepped out of the taxi.” Jax answers straight to the point.

“How was she this morning?” I get straight to the point as well.

“She had another nightmare, but seemed fine after she woke.” He replies.

“Keep an eye on her. I will meet with her later today about the bookshop.” He grunts in response. Not needing to explain anymore, so I hang up. Standing swiftly, I turn to head back to my office.

“What time is the meeting?” Mav asks and I can’t help but smile widely. I head for the door, but before I leave the doorway fully, I call back, “Be ready by 10.”

Chapter five


The ding of the bell above the door announces my presence and I wait a second for anyone around to notice my cane and glasses. I hate bumping into people, assuming they notice the blind woman walking. Luckily, I come to this coffee shop so often I’m greeted by name. “Hey Wren. Take about five steps forward, then pause. There are three people in front of you.” Sammy calls out and I nod while moving up in line. I pause, waiting for my turn.

The smell of coffee is a balm to my nervous soul. Thoughts of the meeting I have later and whether I can impress this guy enough to save my shop run rampant through my mind. I must have been deep in thought because I feel a tap on my shoulder and a soft feminine voice say, “You can move forward now.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. About how many steps would you say?” I ask and she must be confused because she doesn’t respond right away. I turn slightly so she can see my walking cane and shades before I hear a small intake of breath. My small smile fades. “Sorry. How many steps forward?” I ask again, angling my head down, feeling embarrassed. This time she responds. “Ummm, six I think.” I nod, counting to six in my head.