Page 40 of Blinded By Love

“Wait.” I call when I hear footsteps heading away. “I would like Abby to stay. If that’s alright.” I say, my voice starting out strong but ending a bit shy. I know the guys have power but I’m not sure where I stand. I hear some whispered words but can’t make out anything.

“Fine, just leave.” Abby says harshly, making me worried. “What’s wrong? You don’t have to stay if you don’t want to.” I rush out.

“It’s nothing.” I’m not the only one who doesn’t believe her because Jax asks next. “What did they say to you?”

“Ummm, they told me if I stay, I wouldn’t have a job tomorrow. But it’s okay. Honestly, they haven’t liked me since I started working for them. Plus, Beth was a bitch.” She sounds embarrassed but also a bit relieved that she doesn’t have to work with them anymore.

Jax must be a mind-reader because his next words make me fall for him that much more. “You’re hired. Wren needs a personal assistant and she seems to like you. You will get fare pay, meals, plus room and board if you need it.” She gasps at his statement. So I continue for him.

“Take some time to think about it. Really you don’t hav-“ I don’t get to finish because a girlish shrill sounds through the air and Abby is chanting yes, yes, yes, while I’m pretty sure jumping up and down.

Jax chuckles into my ear. “Well, ladies I have some work to get done before tonight so I’ll leave you to it. Have fun.”

“Oh my gosh. I’m so sorry about the others but let’s forget them. We have a lot to get done now.” She grabs my hand and leads me to the padded chair beside the wall. The one I was brought to the first night and sits me down. “I’m so excited. Let's start with her nails.” I let her do her thing, as she starts to move around the room grabbing items and talking away. I take a deep breath.

Let the torture, cough, cough, I mean makeover begin.

Chapter forty-five


After what feels like forever Abby, does one last stroke of a brush across my cheek. “Aaaannnnd done. Not to brag. Okay to brag, I did one hell of a job. You look stunning Wren.” She gushes and a small smile lights my face. Abby is efficient, she started with mani’s and pedi’s before jumping in to do my hair, talking me through the process the entire time. Which honestly, I really appreciated. She would ask my preference or what I thought about certain colors. Even going as far as telling me what she thought looked best compared to others.

Being blind is hard and many people just assume that I don’t have an opinion about something because I can’t see it. Wrong. I do care, I just feel like a burden if I state my opinion. I mean who cares what a blind chick thinks about stuff, right? So, Abby has been amazing, and I’m really glad that I asked her to stay.

We talked the entire time, getting to know each other and whatnot. I found out that she is the same age as me at 25. She has gone to college three different times because she didn’t know what she wanted to do in life. First, she thought about being a lawyer because that’s what her parents wanted but she realized she didn’t actually like to argue. So, she changed her major to business. Then she realized she had no interest in running a business. Then she went back for beauty. She enjoyed it a lot and has been doing it for a half a year now but she said most of her clients are assholes.

I told her about my bookstore and how Amber has recently left so now I run it alone. I explained that I went to college at one point before I got into a bad relationship and wasn’t able to finish. I appreciated that she didn’t pry or ask anymore questions about that. We continued on with random things you might ask someone you’re getting to know. Abby was actually super easy to talk to, I see a real friendship working out between us.

“Are you ready for the dress? I am. It’s gorgeous. I wish I had hot rich boyfriends that brought me pretty things.” Her voice goes all wistful and I can’t help but giggle. I can totally picture her fanning herself as she daydreams about having a white knight swoop in to save her.

Suddenly I get curious. “What does it look like?”

She shrills before I hear her footsteps heading away but a second later, she’s back placing what I’m guessing is said dress in my lap. “I figure you could feel it as I describe it so you can get a better picture.” She pauses for a second. “Does it work like that?” she asks, sounding unsure.

Water gathers under my eyelids. No one has ever really cared about what I could understand. I understand that being blind leaves me sort of out of the daily loop but I’m still a human being. I nod my head, clearing my throat of the emotion trying to clog it. “Yes. I mean it helps. Thank you, Abby.” I must not hide my emotion that well because small arms wrap around me in a quick tight hug. “No ruining my masterpiece.” She says, making me smile.

“Okay, first off, the dress is the prettiest shade of silver gray I’ve ever seen. At first, I thought it might wash out your skin tone and be kind of dull but after getting to know you, it’s perfect. It gives me this sexy classic movie star feel. It’s form fitting to curve to your petite body. It has a slit up the thigh that screams sexy but not overly. The bottom flows out at the waist but moving up it’s a rose lace. So, the top is see-through but has cups to cover all the girly bits.” She giggles like a schoolgirl at that as I run my hand all over the fabric feeling the different material she is talking about. “Oh, and its long sleeve, covering your shoulders.” I exhale at that bit of information a little weird about my scars being seen.

“Shit, it’s almost time. Let's get this on and any last-minute touches you might need.” I nod standing from my chair, untying the silk robe Marie had me put on earlier. “So, it has a built-in bra so we are covered there. Do you plan on wearing undies?” She asks and I’m a bit confused. She starts to giggle at my expense. “The dress will form to your body, if you wear panties, you’ll have a panty line. But it’s completely up to you.” I take a second to think it over. Maybe after the gala me and the guys could play a bit. Not having undies would give them faster access and I’m sure drive them crazy if they notice.

“No panties.” I say.

“You are a naughty, naughty girl. Give those boys hell tonight.” I smile at her response. I plan on it.

After a few minutes Abby is finally zipping up the back of my dress as I smooth down the front, feeling a bit out of place. I don’t have to see the dress to know it’s expensive. I can feel it. I’m nervous that my clumsy ass might spill something or worse trip over my feet and rip the thing. Abby’s voice breaks me out of my mini heart attack. “Ready to go rock your men’s world?” She asks and a flutter of butterfly wings take flight in my stomach as she says, “your men.” My men. Yes, they are mine. I nod my head as she wraps her arm around me and we start to head downstairs. “Wait. Forgot shoes.” Ugh. Please no heels, please no heels.

“So, it seems all that was brought are heels.” I frown at that. “But I’ve learned that not all women like heels, or can’t walk in them, like me. So, I always bring an extra pair.” My face lights up at that.

“You know, if I wasn’t straight, I would probably kiss you right now.” We giggle at my words as she slips flats onto my feet. They are actually pretty comfy too. With that we are finally ready to make an appearance.

My hands feel clammy as we reach the last step, Abby leading me down the hall to the deep masculine voice we hear at the end. “We will give him 10 minutes tops tonight. It’s not our fault that he was late to the meeting that he wanted and that we had to leave. Tonight is about Wren and I don’t want her anywhere near this side of business. So, he gets 10 minutes then we tell him to fuck off and to leave us alone.” Xander hisses, sounding annoyed but before either guy can respond Abby softly clears her throat.

“I present to you, Your perfect woman.” I snort as I feel Abby bow like she is presenting me to royalty or something. Yup, this chick is best friend material. I hear a hitch in someone’s breath but can’t tell from who. A few moments pass in silence, the nervous feeling from earlier intensifying. Do they not like it? “Guys, this is where you comment on your woman and how beautiful she looks.” Abby snaps and I frown.

“She didn’t mean it like that. You don’t have t-“ A finger to my lips quiets me as I angle my head down.

“Oh, Little bird. Your friend is right. You are breathtaking and that’s what you did. The moment we saw you standing there, we lost all words. You are a goddess among us mortals.” Xander leans down, lifting my chin, kissing my lips softly.