Page 4 of Blinded By Love

My fingers automatically reach up, touching the edges of my eyes as a memory from the past tries to weasel its way into my mind. I shake my head, grabbing what feels like a lace thong and bra set. Turning around, I head back towards the bed till my legs brush the sheets and dress. I pull the dress over my head, letting the soft material slide down my body. Tugging slightly when it gets caught on my rounded hips. I’m not a thin woman by any means. I have curves in all the right places, according to Amber, but this dress fits as perfect as a glove. I retrieved my blazer from the closet next and then lean down, grabbing a pair of sandals from my floor. I feel like this outfit screams heels but a blind woman in heels is asking for something to be broken. I throw the rest of my outfit on, turning to head back to the bathroom.

I rush a brush through my hair, attempting to tame the mess that I’m sure it is. I hit a knot or two in the process but decided to say fuck it, leaving it down naturally today. I don’t bother with makeup anymore unless Amber does it. I realized when I tried to do it on my own, it would look like I’m a drowned raccoon. Or I would end up with war paint and not the pretty girl kind.

I head to my kitchen, living room combo, reaching my hands to feel for the counter. Once it’s found, I wave my hands back and forth to find my purse that holds my cane and glasses. My hand catches on something, but it’s not the item I was searching for. My hand curls around my glasses, my lips dip in another frown.I swear I left these in my purse. I don’t always need them, but I know my eyes and injuries tend to make others uncomfortable. The worst is when people make comments and think I’m deaf as well as blind.

I shake myself out of the depressing thoughts that want to consume me and pull my phone out again. Pressing the side button, I say, “Call Yellow Cab Taxi Co.” A second later I hear, “Calling Yellow Cab Taxi Co.” It begins to ring. After a few rings, I hear a familiar voice at the other end.

“Yellow Cab Taxi Co, this is Mary. What is your pickup address?” I giggle at the bored tone I hear. “Mary. You know my address. I know you guys have caller ID.” Mary's bored tone disappears as she switches to a sweet and soft grandmotherly tone upon hearing my voice. “Wren, sweetheart, is that you?” she asks, and I can hear the smile forming in her words.

“Yes, Mary. How are you today?” I reply. Mary has been working for the company for years. I’ve never actually met her, but she knows I can’t see and always sends the drivers she trusts to pick me up when needed. She always tells me a girl can never be too careful around this town and with my eyesight not what it used to be, I have to be extra careful. She’s always looked out for me and I make sure to send her flowers once a month to say thank you for her kindness. “I’m doing good, dear. Are you at home?” She asks while I can hear her typing away on her computer. “Yes, ma’am.” I respond and she hums to herself.

“Greg is right around the corner, dear. Head on down and he should be there by the time you get there.”

“Thank you, Mary.” I reply, heading for the door while attempting to find my keys in my bottomless pit of a purse. I swear this thing is like the bag off of Halloween town, it goes on forever. I hear them jingle and grab them, doing a little booty shake with the victory. “Alright Mary. I’m headed down now. You have a good day and take care.” I respond at last.

“You too dear.” Is her sweet reply before we hang up.

I step out into the small hallway, closing the door behind me. Locking up tight before returning the keys in my purse. I take my cane out next, unfolding it so that it opens to its full length. I take a deep breath before placing my glasses on and taking the first step towards the stairs.

My heart rate increases with every step, knowing that this is always the worst part of my day. I pause when I feel the cane hover over the first step and move my hand to the wall, shuffling my feet to the edge. I feel for the rail and grasp it tight, feeling like I might crack the old wood if I squeeze any tighter, but I can’t bring myself to loosen my grip. The stairs are one of my biggest fears without my eyesight. I could slip or misstep and tumble down to my death. The only thing worse than stairs might be having a spider on me, those creepy crawly bastards.

Slowly, I take each step one by one, praying I don’t fall, knowing I have three flights to travel down. I almost scream my excitement as I hit the bottom landing and realize I have no more steps to descend. I turn around quickly and flip the stairs off. “Fuck you assholes. I win.” I hear a covered laugh and spin around, throwing my hands over my pounding heart. “Greg?” I ask tentatively, hoping I didn’t just embarrass myself in front of a stranger.

“Yes, Miss Wren. You ready to go?” I nod my head, feeling my cheeks burn red hot. I feel Greg step forward and gently place his hand around my elbow to lead me the rest of the way while I fold my cane, returning it to my oversized purse. “Where to today?”

“You know exactly where, Greg.” I reply with a grin. “Coffee.” We say at the same time, making me giggle. “Yes, please.” I add.

“Sounds good. Watch your head, Wren.” Greg says while placing a hand on my head and helping me duck into the back seat of the taxi. I tilt my head to the window, feeling the sun slowly heat my skin, and I smile.

I miss seeing the colors changing from winter to spring to summer and then to fall. Fall colors were my favorite. It might have been getting cooler out heading into fall, but the oranges, reds and browns always made it seem warmer out.

I must have been lost in my thoughts because I startle when I hear Greg’s voice. “Wren. Wren, we’re here.” I nod my head as I hear Greg opening his door. He’s a good one because he rushes over to my door and once again grabs my elbow to lead me to the sidewalk. “Coffee shop’s front door is right in front of you.” Just as he says that, I hear the familiar jingle of the door and nod my head again to him.

“Thank you, Greg. Have a good day and say hi to your wife for me.” I smile wide in his direction and step forward. “Will do. Take care of yourself, Wren. See you tomorrow.” I hear his own smile in return. Turning back, I fully face the building in front of me.

I sigh and step forward, mumbling under my breath. “Ready or not.”

Chapter four


Mother fucker! It is too damn early to be dealing with this shit right now. Who the fuck would dare fuck with us anyways? I look around the warehouse seeing all five of my guys dead, laid out on the floor. Each with a clean shot to the head. “Who the fuck did this?” I ask. My voice echoing off the metal walls. I may sound calm but I'm raging on the inside.

This is the fifth shipment to get attacked in the last two months, and good men died each time. It had to have been professionals too because they left no clues to who it might have been. Someone is either really fucking brave or they really want to die. I’m going with the latter since me and the guys have run this city for years now with no one daring to fuck with us. Not after we left clear messages what would happen to you and your family if you even thought to cross us.

Mav hasn’t figured out who’s been fucking with us and I’m starting to think we need to take a more aggressive stance toward making a new statement. Yes, over the last month my mind has been preoccupied but that doesn’t mean I’ve gone soft.

I stand there looking around at the bodies and empty crates. This was one of our small shipments of illegal guns. They were suppose to make a pit stop here before heading north to one of the MCs that buys from us on a regular. I realize no one has answered me. Spinning to the other men in the room I ask again, “Who the fuck did this?” Nothing. You could hear a fucking pin drop at the silence in the large room.

I turn to Mav who is looking over his tablet. When he looks up he shakes his head to my unasked question. “Motherfucker.” Our very expensive fucking camera didn’t catch shit. “I want every fucking man we have working for us on the streets looking for anything that can catch these fuckers.” He nods before turning to the idiots standing there and gives them their jobs.

As everyone goes I call out. “Wait.” Everyone freezes before turning back to me like the good little puppets they are. “There will be a reward for the person who can get us the information we seek.” I wave my hand in a dismissive move while they all nod to head out. I doubt they will find anything of use to me but hopefully some idiot will hear something. Rats tend to do just about anything to stay on the cat's good side especially if that cat is offering some cheese.

I wait for the men to clear out before I head over to Mav who is still focused on his tablet. Mav is our tech guy. He’s good and if for some reason he can’t get the information he knows guys who can. He is going through the camera feed trying to catch anything before they were cut, but so far these guys blend into the shadows. “It’s like they know right where the camera and guards are going to be.” He says this off handed but something about it makes me wonder.

“Do you think we have a mole?” I ask. I start to go through the faces of my men, thinking back to if any of them were acting shady. No one comes to mind, but that doesn’t mean it’s not one of our guys. It would make sense if it was one of ours. But would they really be stupid enough to cross us?

“Let’s get back to the office. We can start going through some files and see if any of our guys have been trying to double cross us. Let’s also start looking into our business partners to see if any of them might be trying to make a move on us.” Mav nods his head still focused on his tablet as we head back to my black sedan. This is not how I wanted to start my fucking day.