Page 23 of Blinded By Love

“What do you mean by you would rather not suffer this time?” He snaps out and I flinch from the sudden outburst. “Sorry. Wren, we don’t plan to kill you or to even hurt you. I know it’s hard to believe but you need to trust me.” I let out a small scoff. Trust the men who I witnessed kill a man and one month later broke into my house to kidnap me? Yeah, I’ll do just that. “We’ve been watching you since that night. Everywhere you go, one of us knows and is more than likely there. If we wanted to kill you, we would have.” I take a moment to take in his words and realized that he stopped walking while we were talking.

I thought I was being watched. It’s like an extra sense since I lost my eyesight. The hairs on the back of my neck standing up or a gut feeling. I think back to the times in my apartment when things didn’t seem right. The coffee table being shifted a bit and me running into it. Small items moved or clothes that didn’t seem familiar. The few times I caught a whiff of something masculine smelling, but thought it was my neighbor taking a cologne bath and the smell was fading through the wall. This whole time it was them. Jax is right, they could have killed me at any point. So why wait till now?

“What changed?” I question because it doesn’t make sense. Why would they wait to kidnap me for a whole month? “You obviously know I never went to the cops so why come after me now?”

“Princess, you were going to run. I never meant to scare you but I wasn’t going to leave you there to bleed out. You might think I’m a monster but I would never hurt you, Wren. Never. Look, I’m sure you’re still in pain and I can tell you’re exhausted. How about we get you cleaned up, fed and get you some rest and tomorrow we will explain everything? I promise.” His tone is steady but soft and I get the feeling he is being honest. If I plan to escape, I need them to believe that I’ll be a good little prisoner, so I simply nod in return.

Build their trust and then when the time is right, run.

A few minutes later I felt him shift my weight to one side and push open what I assume is a door. We haven’t talked since I agreed to hear him out and I’m grateful because I’m at a disadvantage already without my eyesight. I need to learn as much as I can with my other senses. He takes a few steps inside and then gently places me on a silky soft chair. I let my hands feel what they can. A wooden chair with armrest and silk feeling cushions. My feet barely touch what feels like carpet but I can’t tell if it’s a rug or the actual flooring in the room.

“Wait here. Don’t try to run Princess. You’ll hurt yourself more. I’m going to go check on your bath.” I give another small nod not knowing what else to say or do right now. I hear the soft thumps of his retreating form to my left. Okay, Wren. Soft thumps mean carpet flooring. The bathroom must be to the left and the bedroom door must be to the right. What else? Focus.

I take a deep breath and exhale fully to try and calm my racing pulse. I focus on my senses one at a time. What do I hear? I hear running water and muffled voices to my left. I hear the wind coming from behind me, which means a window or door. I can hear faint music coming from my right so someone must be out there. I hear the faint crackling sound in front of me as well.

What do you feel? Silk cushion and soft carpet under me. Wooden armrest under my palms. I felt us go up a set of stairs, which means we are more than likely on the second floor. I can feel the warmth of the room against my skin. Warmer than the walk here, so taking in hearing crackling, it’s some type of fireplace.

What do you smell? I can smell the fire now, the ash and burning of wood. I smell a scent like lavender mixed with coconut. It smells amazing but I can’t focus on just that. I can still smell Jax and the faint hint of Xander with his whiskey and cigar scent. I turn my head to the door and inhale deeply smelling something but can’t place it. It’s fresh but also outdoorsy. Like freshly washed cotton with a mix of rainfall. It’s an odd combination but intoxicating at the same time.

I feel my muscles relax a bit before tensing again at hearing a creak in the floor. I look around to try and identify where the sudden noise came from but it has gone quiet again. I take a shaky breath. “Hello?” I whisper but get no response. I snap my head to the left when I hear a door opening. “Jax?” I call out.

“Yeah, princess. I’m here. What’s wrong?” I shake my head. Can’t show fear.

“Look Wren I know you’re not going to want to hear this but Xander is going to help you take a bath, okay?” I‘m already shaking my head no before he finished the sentence.

“I can bathe myself.” I say but I know I’m going to have a hard time since I can’t see where the injuries are and how much blood I’m covered in.

“Little Bird. You are going to be a good girl and let me help you get cleaned up. Jax is going to make you more food so that when you get out you can eat and then get to bed.” I start to shake my head no again but stop at Xander’s next words. “You will be a good girl or I will turn your ass red with my palm.” Something is seriously wrong with me because the moment he said that white hot pleasure shoots to my core. “Do you understand?” I slowly nod this time not trusting my voice. “Good girl. Now I’m going to bring you to the bathroom. Hang on, little bird.” I feel his arms wrap around me much like how Jax held me and I wrap my arms around his neck to prevent a fall. “I got you, little bird.” I hear him whisper into my ear, feeling his hot breath against my skin.

“I’ll be back in a bit.” Jax calls out as Xander carries me to the bathroom and sets me on a cold stone countertop before hearing a door close. The smell of lavender and coconut is even stronger here than when I first smelt it. I start to take deep inhales to try and calm myself even more.

“I added your two favorite scents hoping it helps relax you.” I nod once not knowing if he saw but from the soft hmm, I hear I assume he is staring at me. “Now let’s get you cleaned up.”

Chapter twenty-four


“Little Bird. You are going to be a good girl and let me help you get cleaned up. Jax is going to make you more food so that when you get out you can eat and then get to bed.” Wren starts to shake her head no again but I’m not accepting her answer. She will allow us to take care of her in every way. She needs to see we aren’t bad guys. “You will be a good girl or I will turn your ass red with my palm.” I still, a slight shift in her posture and I look up toward Jax. Spotting Maverick in the door frame as well, always watching Wren but refusing to admit he has feelings for her.

“Do you understand?” Wren slowly gives me a nod and I smirk. “Good girl.” I purr. “Now I’m going to bring you to the bathroom. Hang on, little bird.” I lean down and gently tuck my arms under her knees and her middle back. I lift her with ease and pull her closer into my chest. The scent of blood fills my senses and I wrinkle my nose in disgust. I miss her soft scent of new books, mixed with her mocha coffee and the faint hint of freshly cut flowers from her perfume.

I take a step towards the bathroom when she reaches up and wraps her arms around my neck, hanging on tight. My body that was wound tight with stress starts to relax a little at having this woman in my arms. “I got you, little bird.” Leaning down to whisper into her ear. I also get the urge to nibble on her ear lobe but resist when I hear Jax speak.

“I’ll be back in a bit.” I turn my head to the side and nod in his direction. I know he wanted to be the one to help her wash but I pulled rank. Plus, I can’t cook so it made sense to send him to the kitchen and for me to get some one-on-one time with my scared little bird.

From the corner of my eye, I also see Mav glaring daggers in our direction. Bet you wish you weren’t an asshole to Wren don’t you. He turns and storms out like the child he’s been acting like. I understand where he is coming from and he is right. Wren is too good for the three of us but I think she could change us in a good way.

I’m pulled from my musing by the smell of lavender and coconut. I know Wren likes the smell when I feel her inhale deeply and her body almost melts into mine. She had a candle that smelt like this in that shit hole apartment she lived in. The one she will never be going back to.

“I added your two favorite scents hoping it helps relax you.” She nods once and I hmm at the small smile I see on her plush lips. Even bloody and bruised, she is the most beautiful creature I’ve ever seen. I don’t even think she knows she is smiling when I place her on the white marble countertop and close the door behind us to give her the idea of privacy. “Now let’s get you cleaned up.”

I step up between her legs, forcing them to spread to adjust to my wider frame. She opens up for me and my smirk returns. “Let’s get these bloody clothes off.” I reach out and pinch Wren’s chin between my finger and thumb and lift her face. “Hey.” Her eyes are closed tight and she is chewing on her lip in a nervous manner. “Open your eyes, little bird.” She tries to shake her head no but I pinch a little harder making her grasp. “Wren. I know this is not ideal but we won’t hurt you. We want you.” Her eyelids snap open and a milky wide eye fearful look gazes back at me.

“No. Not again. I would rather die. Not again.” She starts to scream, kick, hit, and push at me but I’m too big for her to move me anywhere. So, I take what she gives, and wait. I saw how she reacted to being tied down and don’t want to scare her anymore if I forcibly hold her down now. But I recognize the look on her face and I have a feeling I now have someone to kill.

The guys came rushing in a minute after her first scream but kept a distance by the door. I could see the worry and anger written on both their faces. Even Mav looked beside himself with the fact someone hurt Wren. Someone who she still fears, and I’m going to find out.

We all stand there in silence just watching as Wren cries and mumbles things like, never again, I’m not your dolly and he can’t find me. I watch her closely, fighting the urge to cradle her to my chest and wipe away the tears that are leaving stains on her rosy, pink cheeks. I look over to my brothers and see them fight the very same urge to sooth Wren’s mind. After another few minutes I decided to just go for it. “Little bird. Please don’t cry anymore. You’re breaking my heart.” I say trying to lighten her mood but deep down I feel it. My chest hurts just seeing my little bird like this.