Page 15 of Blinded By Love

“He did what?” How dare he? He made my Princess fucking cry.

“Calm yourself, Jax. I have already dealt with that.” He says so matter of fact as I take a deep breath to try to calm the rage burning hot under my skin. I know Wren has not lived an easy life. I see the tossing and turning she does every night. The waking in a silent scream from nightmares I can’t see. I know she is afraid of something and once I figure out what, I will make sure she fears nothing ever again.

“Now tell me Jax.” He sneers my name this time and I’m once again confused on why he cares so much about me meeting her today. We were all going to meet her at some point. “When I went back to the shop to apologize for Maverick’s behavior earlier in the day, I thought inviting her to dinner would be a good peace treaty of sorts. She wasn’t happy I was there, but I asked her to join me for dinner, anyway. But then she told me she had a boyfriend and to get lost.” I growl this time. A boyfriend? Since when? Who? I will fucking kill him?

“Who the hell is she dating? I haven’t seen her with anyone but her friend Amber. What is his name? I can make it look like he just left without a trace. Guys do that all the time.” I say, mentally making a list of everything I need to make a body disappear. I must have been lost in my murderous thoughts when I finally hear Xander grind out my name.

“What?” I don’t have time for this. I need this dead man’s name. It’s my night to watch Wren and I don’t want to be late.

“Jax.” He says again.

“I asked what this boyfriend’s name is Xander. Stop playing games with me.” I snap out. I really don’t have time for this.

“The name she told me was Jax.” I freeze. Jax? As in me? “So now, tell me, brother. Why is she calling you her boyfriend?” I’m quiet for about half a second before I can’t help myself. I break out in laughter. I laugh so hard that I’m bent over, holding my stomach while I hear Xander cursing up a storm from the other side of the phone. Obviously pissed, I haven’t answered him yet.

“Jealousy is not a good look on you, Xan.” I say through another fit of laughter. Xander at this point is threatening death, to bury my body where no one could find it, but he already knows I know all the good hiding spots. Looking up at the clock, I let out my own curse. I’m running late. I toss on the first shirt my fingers touch from my dresser. Throwing on a pair of sneakers, I grab my keys and head for the door. “I got to go, bro. We can talk about this later. I’m running late. I’ll see you in the morning. Save me a plate.” I hang up before he can reply. I have somewhere important to be.

Heading downstairs, I see Mav in the kitchen holding a bag of frozen peas to his chin and I snort. He got off easy, if that’s all he is doing. At my sound, his eyes snap to me and I grin wide, showing all my pearly whites. He glares. “I already know I said the wrong shit, but I’m not good with words. I’ll apologize at some point.” He turns back to the fridge, cursing as he bends to grab a bag of frozen carrots this time, placing it on his ribcage. I smirk as I turn. Maybe Xander did get him good.

I head to my jeep, turning on my Wren playlist. The others don’t know about it, but it’s all the songs I’ve heard her listen to. I want to know her better before she becomes mine.Ours.I head out of the gate, saluting the guard standing post at the entrance. I start my short little drive to Wren’s place, trying to picture my name on her lips again.

“Soon Princess. You won’t just be saying my name. Oh no, I’ll make you scream my name soon.”

Chapter sixteen


The moment my foot hits the curb, I’m rushing up the three flights of stairs to the safety of my apartment. My mind is racing a million miles a minute.They came back.I knew they would. I am a witness, a poor one who could only recognize their voices despite that, a witness all the same. Someone who could put them away, but a part of me doubts that. They sounded like powerful men. I bet they have the entire police force on their payrolls and in their pockets.

Lost in the many thoughts of how they might kill me, I miss a step, falling face first into the step above me. My face slams hard as a shooting pain burns through the right side of my head and bottom lip. I feel the warm gush of blood race down my face and mouth. Shit. I don’t have time to care as I peel myself off the ground, continuing my ascent up to my floor. I’m breathing hard, the sharp copper tang taste of blood coating the inside of my mouth.

I dig into my purse to try and find my keys. I hear a door opening behind me, making me whip around, as I press my back against the cool wood of my front door, keys in hand, ready to stab anyone who comes close. I may be blind, but I won’t go down without a fight this time.

An audible gasp can be heard in the silence between me and the newcomer. “Wren! Sweetheart, are you okay? You’re bleeding.” I let out my breath. I didn’t even realize I was holding it, but it’s only Miss Smith. My little old neighbor. She has lived here longer than me and always bakes me cookies when the weather is bad. She’s a sweet old lady who often checks in with me, but the thought of my current situation has me panicking once more. I can’t let them hurt her, hurt anyone. They might be on their way right now.

“I’m fine Miss Smith. I just tripped and fell, but it probably looks worse than it feels.” I’m sure I’m a sight right now. Turning with trembling hands, I try to feel the keyhole and line up my key. It takes me an extra few seconds than normal since I can’t seem to calm my racing heart or still my shaking hands, but I finally unlock my door.

“Let me know if you need any help dressing those sweetie.” I nod in the direction of her voice. “Will do. Have a good night, Miss Smith.” I say with a little wave. I don’t want her to worry when she never hears from me again.No one will after tonight.My dark thoughts add.

I’ve planned this out a hundred times over since that night. I can’t let someone get hurt because of me and men with power will always hurt people you love and care for if it means it’s a way to hurt you.

Once inside my tiny apartment, I slam the door a little too hard and throw the lock into place. Not that I think it would stop these guys from getting in if they really wanted to.Why now?Keeps running through my head. I haven’t told a soul about that night. Not even when the cops came door to door of all the businesses that share the back alley. When they asked if I saw anything, I laughed. I had told them I didn’t see a damn thing. They didn’t think I was that funny with a blind joke, but I reminded them I’m actually really blind and really couldn’t see shit. That and I didn’t hear anything either.

I was so paranoid the rest of the week. Like I thought they would pop up out of nowhere, ending my life like that guy. A bullet and a dumpster. When nothing happened, I calmed down. I barely just got back to normal again and now they are actually back, but why?What did I do to get on their radar again?

I take a minute to calm my breathing. I need to think. Think Wren. You have a plan. Pack some clothes, grab the spare cash you hid, and then head to the bus station. Buy a ticket for the first bus out of town, and just go. Don’t stop till you’re somewhere far away. Don’t forget to leave Amber the note. I take one last exhale before another thought comes to me. What if they are already here?

That has my body locking up. I listen to the sounds of my apartment but hear nothing out of the ordinary. The mini fridge is buzzing. The neighbors below me yelling at each other and the soft and steady drip of the shower.

Shower. I should shower real quick, since I don’t know when the next time I will be able to get one. I kick off my shoes next to the door and head for the shower, stripping as I go. My jacket, the dress, my bra and, last my panties. I don’t even bother with any lights, I never do. I live in darkness and have learned to thrive here.

I turn the nob and hop in, not waiting for the water to warm up. I really don’t have time for that. I do a quick scrub of my body, then wash and condition my hair. Taking the last half second to just enjoy the semi-warmth, but sigh when I realize I’m just wasting precious time. I step out, grabbing the small thin bare towel hanging off the hook on the wall.

I glide my hand on the wall, feeling my way to my room. The familiar smooth texture eases a bit of my anxiety. I will miss this shit hole of an apartment. It’s not much and has more issues than it’s worth the price, but it was a place to call my own. That’s what mattered to me. I have been degraded and used all my life. Told what to do, what to say, where to go, I could finally just be me, but now I have to say goodbye to the life that was finally my own.

I enter the doorway of my bedroom and pause. It smells different in here; I look around as if I could sense the change somehow, but I don’t have time for this.Dress, pack and run.I quickly grab underwear and a bra first. Next, I go to my dresser and grab a pair of leggings and a random t-shirt. It’s oversize and I can’t remember where it came from, but it’s comfortable to sleep in and to wear on lazy days.

After I’m fully dressed, I rush to the closet, I grab an oversize duffle bag and place it on the bed. I head back to my dresser, scooping up drawer after drawer, not caring what I pack or leave behind at this point. Back at the closet, I run my hands over items, feeling the textures and deciding what’s best.