‘I have,’ Leo grinned, the creases in his forehead much less defined now that his morning of stress-filled legal negotiations was behind him. ‘Why don’t you join us?’

‘Thanks for the offer,’ said Tim, coming to Claudia’s rescue, knowing that all she wanted to do was put her feet up after a busy day in the kitchen. ‘If you don’t mind, we’ll take a rain-check. Maybe Millie could join you, though?’

‘Oh, erm, no, actually I’ve already got a…’ She had almost saiddatebut changed her explanation to ‘…dinner invitation tonight.’

‘No problem,’ said Leo, pushing himself up from the table. ‘See you tomorrow for the main event, then. I’m really looking forward to discovering the secrets of producing the perfect Christmas lunch. What time do we need to be on parade, Claudia?’

‘Shall we say ten a.m. sharp? Tim will be up with the larks to put the turkey in the oven, but you will be doing everything else. We’ll eat at two o’clock.’


Millie accepted the warm hugs of thanks from the four students and made a start on the clearing up until Claudia grabbed her arm laughing.

‘Okay, Millie. Tell me who the lucky guy is?’

‘What do you… Oh, no, it’s just… I’m just popping over to the lodge for a Spag Bol, that’s all.’ She tried to appear nonchalant, but she knew that her glowing cheeks were a dead giveaway.

‘I’m delighted you and Zach are cultivating the spark of friendship that ignited in St Lucia,’ said Claudia, beaming as she collected her into a spontaneous hug that lasted a little longer than Millie had expected. When she pulled back, she could see tears glistening in Claudia’s eyes. ‘I was a little concerned about him after Chloe left and he jumped at the chance to the swap with Dom when Dom wanted to come back to the UK while his mother was in hospital. I thought Zach was running away, but it turned out to be the best six months of his career.’

‘Claudia, Zach’s told me about the manor. I’m so, so sorry. I know how much the place means to you both. If there’s anything I can do to help, however small, then please ask.’

‘Oh, Millie, you are an angel, but unless you have a few spare million in your back pocket then I’m afraid it’s already a done deal. Did you also hear that Rupert’s arriving on Thursday afternoon with Sven Andersen for a viewing?’

‘I did.’

‘I don’t mind admitting that it’ll be one of the most difficult encounters of my life. Well, apart from one.’ Claudia’s eyes clouded for the briefest of moments. ‘Would you believe what my idiot of a cousin has asked us to do?’


‘Apparently, Sven is one of those crazy minimalist fanatics who like smooth white walls, clean lines, and a clutter-free environment, and loathes any kind of extraneous furnishings that don’t have a designer’s signature scrawled on the bottom. My lovely childhood sidekick has told me to make sure the house is stripped of all its personality, so our buyer can envisage how his home in the English countryside can reflected his Scandinavian tastes. I’ve decluttered the lounge and dining room, there’s nothing more I can do in the library, and the kitchen is almost sorted. Thankfully the switch to brunch on Thursday had worked in our favour, so once that’s over I can clear everything away into the pantry ready for his visit at three.’

Now Millie understood why there had been very little attempt at decorating the kitchen with a kaleidoscope of Christmas adornments for theFestive Feastcourse that year. It would all have had to be removed for Sven’s visit.

‘Claudia. How do you feel about losing the manor?’

‘Of course, I’m devastated,’ she said, her voice tight as she set about wiping down the worktops with a vengeance. ‘But Tim is right, as always. It costs an absolute fortune to maintain the building, and we’ll be able to use our share of the proceeds to invest in the Paradise Cookery School and that fills me with a lovely buzz of excitement. And I can’t wait to see Ella again. All those emails and photographs you sent me from theChocolate & Confetticourse when I was laid up in hospital really fired my creative juices again. And there’s been lots of interest in the courses, not only from the UK, but also from food lovers in America. My publisher has shown an interest in a Caribbean-themed cookery book, too – so really, it’s all good.’

Claudia gave Millie a bright confident smile, but there remained a shadow of sadness in the depths of her eyes. ‘Anyway, off you go. Get ready for your date and send my love to Zach. I hear you met his mother yesterday.

‘Zach’s mother? No.’

‘Oh, I thought Tim said you’d been to Kate’s Kitchen in the village.’

‘Yes, we had a hot chocolate and a piece of very heavy parkin.’ Millie looked at Claudia as the cogs began to turn causing the muscles in her stomach to clench with panic. ‘Oh my God, no!’

‘You didn’t know that Kate was Zach’s mother?’

‘No! No, I did not. Oh God!’

Claudia giggled. ‘What’s the matter?’

‘I think she might have overheard me saying her cakes were lard-laden and artery-clogging.’

Millie felt the heat glow in her cheeks and spread down to her chest as mortification zoomed though the catacombs of her brain. She met Claudia’s gaze until her new friend and mentor burst into laughter and the two of them descended into a whirl of hilarity until tears, this time of mirth, streamed down their faces.

‘Oh God, Zach must hate me!’

‘I don’t think that’s the way I would describe Zach’s feelings for you, Millie,’ said Claudia her expression suddenly becoming more serious. ‘In fact, I’d hazard a guess that you couldn’t be farther from the truth.’