Claudia led Millie into the kitchen where she fixed herself a glass of non-alcoholic punch, her cheeks glowing with merriment and gratitude, and no doubt a dollop of relief.
‘The doctor confirmed it this morning. I’m sorry I wasn’t here to do the canapé presentation, but I needed some time to myself to get my head around things, and I admit I did also indulge in a bit of a shopping frenzy. You look amazing in that dress, by the way.’
‘Thank you, Claudia. It’s a wonderful gift. So, do you think that could be why you’ve been feeling so tired these last few weeks?’
‘That’s exactly why. Believe me, I had no idea I was pregnant. Tim and I had given up hoping to be parents and decided to make the cookery school our baby… and we will continue to do so, but here in the Cotswolds as I prepare for our new arrival.’
Millie steeled herself to ask the next question, not sure she wanted to know the answer.
‘What will happen to the Paradise Cookery School?’
‘Yes. Tim and I have discussed that, and there’s no way my doctor will allow me to fly backwards and forwards to present the courses, sadly. I intend to take his advice not to overburden myself… so…’
Millie felt tears collect along her lashes as memories cascaded through her mind of all the wonderful, sunshine-filled adventures she had experienced there. How much she truly loved the villa, with its aquamarine infinity pool, its painted veranda, and tropical gardens overlooking the spectacular Caribbean Sea. She felt like she was having to say goodbye to a beloved friend, and it hurt. She was surprised its loss was affecting her so much, but she forced a smile on her face, and hugged Claudia close so she couldn’t see her eyes.
‘Claudia, I’m so happy for you. You absolutely deserve this, and I know that you and Tim will make fabulous parents.’
‘Thanks, Millie.’
Claudia pulled away from Millie, holding her at arm’s length to scour her face. Millie tried to look away, but wasn’t able to before her emotions overwhelmed her and tears spilled down her cheeks.
‘I’m sorry, Claudia. I’m happy for you and Tim, I really am. It’s just I’m so upset about the Paradise Cookery School. It’s an amazing place, and I think it’s the perfect setting to showcase the very best recipes and ingredients the Caribbean cuisine has to offer.’
‘Well, I was hoping you would say that.’
‘What do you mean?’
Millie gazed at Claudia, her lips parted but no words ensued as her heart bashed out a cacophony of hope.
‘I know Étienne will probably never forgive me for this, but I’d like you to run the Paradise Cookery School for me. We worked together, via the internet, amazingly when you were there in September and theChocolate & Confetticourse was a fabulous success. Did I tell you that Imogen and her mother have already rebooked for next September? And we have five more courses fully booked. You know what to do, you know my recipes as well as I do… and Ella has already said yes to being your co-presenter. What do you say?’
‘What do I say?’
Millie gasped. It was her dream come true. Not only was she being offered a job as a cookery course presenter, but it would be for the fabulous Claudia Croft Cookery School, in her, albeit biased, opinion the most prestigious in the world. Coupled with that, it was situated in one of the most gorgeous settings where the sun shone every day, the people were friendly and welcoming, the beach and the Purple Parrot beckoned after a long shift in the kitchen, but most of all, the food was fantastic and she had only just scraped the surface. She adored Ella, and her best friend Denise, and she had so much to learn from them she couldn’t wait to get started.
She would have leapt at the chance without hesitation, except for one thing.
Chapter Nineteen
Claudia was smiling at her, waiting for her enthusiastic acceptance of the offer of a lifetime.
‘I… I’m thrilled that you think I’m capable of representing you in St Lucia, not to mention relieved that the Paradise Cookery School will not be closing its doors. I adore the plantation house, its grounds, the town of Soufrière, the Purple Parrot. I love Ella, and it would be a dream come true to work alongside her again, it’s everything I could wish for.’
‘I’m sensing a but?’
Millie fiddled with the stem of her glass, battling her emotions as she wondered how to put them into words for Claudia when she hadn’t even had chance to come to terms with them herself. So much had happened in a short space of time that her head was reeling from the turmoil and the decisions to be made.
However, her overriding emotion was the strength of the connection she had formed with Zach, and the unshakeable knowledge that he was her soulmate, and she didn’t want to lose him, no matter what prize she was offered. It was a huge opportunity to decline, but she knew with absolute certainty that she was doing the right thing. She only had to recall how she felt when she thought he was going to the Caribbean to know her feelings were real. She had fallen in love with him and that deserved a chance.
‘I’m sorry, Claudia, but yes, there is a ‘but’.’
Tears trickled down her cheeks and her throat felt as though it had closed round a prickly pear. She swallowed, determined to formulate the right explanation as she owed Claudia so much.
‘It’s just that Zach—’
‘Ah, before you go on, I think I should—’