

‘No, you go.’

‘Okay.’ Zach exhaled a long sigh, sliding onto the seat beside her and welcoming Binks onto his lap. ‘I haven’t told Claudia and Tim yet, but I received a job offer last week.’

‘You have? Where?’



Millie’s heart dropped like a stone down a well before bouncing back into her chest where it lodged like a concrete slab. Suddenly Blake’s comments about Scotland the day before made perfect sense. So that was it, that was why he’d said they had “things to talk about” in that last text he’d sent her before she’d left London for Berryford, why he’d pulled away from her when she’d thought they were about to kiss. He was uncertain about his future and wanted to avoid starting something they couldn’t finish, because Scotland might as well be the Caribbean for the time it would take to commute for a weekend in London, or vice versa.

‘Oh, well… that’s great news, isn’t it?’

‘If you like the wind-swept Western Isles, then yes, it’s good news.’

In that moment she was able to read her feelings perfectly. The emotions that had been born in Soufrière and flourished into friendship, had blossomed over the interceding months into something deeper that had crystallised when they had reconnected in Berryford. She wanted to spend every spare second getting to know Zach better, to spend time learning what he did in his working life and inviting him to stay in her attic room above Étienne’s. Now it seemed it was too late. Their chance of a possible future together had been extinguished by the arrival of a wealthy entrepreneur who hated clutter with a vengeance and wanted to convert the manor house into a high security home in which to shelter from the limelight.

‘Are you sure there’s no way Claudia and Tim can keep the house? What if…’

Zach’s eyes softened. ‘Millie, don’t you think Claudia and Tim have explored every avenue possible? Tim told me that he’s tried to persuade Rupert to hold off for another six months, they even offered to sell the villa, but Rupert needs the cash straight away. He’s told them it’s because he’s made some bad investments, but I think it’s more than that.’

‘What do you mean?’

‘Oh, nothing sinister. It’s just that Rupert lives on the other side of the world. He only has memories of a childhood here, so no real knowledge or connection with the people who live here now. He has no interest in how the change of ownership will affect everyone in the village because he hasn’t been back since Claudia’s father’s funeral ten years ago when Claudia inherited her share of the estate and he agreed to her cookery school idea.’

‘Maybe when Claudia has the chance to talk to him face-to-face on Thursday, she’ll be able to explain all that to him and he could change his mind.’

‘I don’t think so. Sven’s money will be within his grasp – unless someone else comes up with a couple of million and that’s not going to happen.’

Despite the fact that she had only just arrived in Berryford, Millie craved the chance to do something to help, to keep the Stonelea Manor as a cookery school, to maintain the traditions of the village, but most of all she was desperate for Zach to stay in the Cotswolds, to keep his job and his home where he and Binks were so clearly happy.

The mood in the room had morphed from merry to melancholic and a surge of annoyance wove through Millie’s veins. Why did Rupert have to be so selfish? But following immediately was the realisation that it was none of her business what Rupert did, or wanted, or needed, which made her sad.

‘Come on. Binks and I will walk you back down to the manor. You’ve got an early start tomorrow. I’m sure the cookery part will go without a hitch, not so sure about the state of the kitchen though!’

Zach tried to add his usual twist of mischief to his comment, but his heart clearly wasn’t in it. Everyone was allowed a moment of relief from constant positivity and Millie knew that the imminent change in his future path, both professional and personal, was obviously weighing heavily on his mind.

Binks sensed the change in atmosphere and leapt up from his resting place, trotting to the coat stand to fetch his lead for his final walk of the day. Millie was about to offer to help with the washing up, but of course, the kitchen was already spotless, which for some unfathomable reason caused tears to prick at the back of her eyes. Just as she felt she had turned the corner on her reluctance to embark on a new relationship, the optimism rug had been whipped from beneath her feet.

She would miss Zach more than she had ever expected.

Chapter Twelve

The Christmas LunchFestive Feasttutorial was a triumph.

Even Mike managed to make a very competent attempt at “from-scratch” Yorkshire puddings – although they did look like flat cupcakes. Everything went smoothly because Claudia and Tim had spent the night before preparing everything; setting the table in the dining room with the best china and polishing the crystal glasses and silver cutlery which shone beneath the very modern chandelier that had been a wedding gift from Tim’s parents. Garlands of shiny green holly snaked around the mantlepiece, the aroma of spicy cloves lingered in the air, and the whole room looked very festive.

Millie struggled all day to shove her negative thoughts about Zach leaving into the far crevices of her mind so that their guests could enjoy the highlight of the week at Stonelea Manor without wondering what was bothering Claudia’s co-presenter. She hoped she had pulled it off because Claudia had been on top form, recounting anecdotes of TV and radio interviews she had given over the years, mishaps that had happened on research trips she had taken to exotic locations, as well as bouncing around ideas for future courses at the Paradise Cookery School.

If Millie hadn’t known about the imminent arrival of Rupert and Sven, she would never have guessed that Claudia was about to lose the home her family had owned and loved for over seventy years. Even Tim had been jovial company, regaling his avid audience with stories about his inventions and promising to show Leo and Mike how far he’d got with his remote control lawn mower whilst studiously avoiding looking in Claudia’s direction.

Millie set down a jug of home-made brandy sauce to accompany the fragrant Christmas pudding that adorned the middle of the table like a piece of culinary art. In a nod to the desserts she had created in St Lucia, she had also made a huge passionfruit and mango pavlova with a froth of whipped cream in case Gina or Marianne preferred something less heavy after the main course.

‘Okay, dig in everyone!’