"Help!" I yell, trying to thrash around, even though I can’t. "Let me go!"
All at once, a giant submarine bloops up from the sea.
A big hatch opens on top of it, and then an extremely large claw extends out toward me.
It wraps around my legs, and even though I try to kick free, the invisible force doesn’t let me.
"Goddamnit." An Italian voice curses from the depths of the submarine. "Dino’s stuck."
"You’re clicking the wrong button on the bug control," another voice grouses. "Press the green one."
"I am, idiot."
"No," the second voice snaps, clearly annoyed. "God, Petrie, hand me the XBox controller."
"I can’t believe we’re using an XBox controller for this plan," Petrie gripes. "Didn’t some submarine sink earlier this year because of this?"
"We’re not going to visit theTitanicruins," the first voice growls. "All we’re trying to do is kidnap this little brat."
I manage to scream. "HEEEEELP!"
"Ugh, he’s yelling now," Petrie groans. "I didn’t drink enough coffee for this shit."
"Youdon'twant to be around me without my morning coffee," a third voice teases. "I’m soooo annoying."
"Shut up, Giuseppe," Petrie groans. "You had like five cups. You’re overcaffeinated."
"Can you two quit joking around? We have a job to do."
I groan as I’m plunged into the water, buried in its salty depths.
Bubbles burst to the surface, the little air that I have escaping me.
I hear the three Riccardi brothers talking mad shit even underwater.
"Dino is heavier than we thought," Petrie gripes. "God, the video we hacked where he stripped in front of Romeo made it seem like he was half this weight."
"That was four years ago," Giuseppe growls. "Of course he’s grown since then."
"I think we should make peace with the Lucianos," the other voice growls, which I assume must be Giuseppe. "We could all hug it out and become allies. Imagine how powerful we’d all be."
"Nah," Petrie says, laughing like a mental patient. "I’d rather make them pay for killing Paulo."
I scream like my life depends on it as I’m dragged into the submarine.
The three Riccardi brothers look me up and down as I’m deposited on the floor, coughing up water.
Giuseppe marches toward me.
He grabs my chin and forces it up. "You’re dead meat."
"Go, go, go."