Christian laughs. "Someone needs to take a pic of you. I wish I had a photo of the first time I ate a Zebra cake."

I point to a glistening black object in an olive tree. "See that?"

Everyone turns to where I’m pointing.

Rowan’s eyebrows furrow. "What is it?"

"I’m filming this entire thing." I can’t help but blush sheepishly.

Christian glares at me. "None of you said you could do that."

"I knooooooow." I’m totally whining. "It’s kinda my thing."

Romeo laughs as he sits down beside me, rubbing my hair. "Dino likes to keep memories for later. Don't you, boy?"

"I sure do." I surrender to his comforting palm. "It helps me not forget the best moments of my life."

Everyone laughs as they flash Dino a thumbs up. "We’re glad we made it into one of your memories."

"I’m glad, too." I pop another bite of my Zebra cake into my mouth. "Now, you’re my friends forever."

Lucas rolls his eyes. "Someone saystalker."

"I have no interest in stalking any of you." A smirk forms on my features. "Why would I need to stalk my new best friends?"

Christian howls with laughter. "I think we need new security cameras in our penthouse, Nikolai."

"I agree." Nikolai waggles his eyebrows. "Dino has a few screws loose."

Macon waltzes over to Dino and pulls out a camera. "You and your Daddy should do a feature video for my cam site."

Romeo’s eyes narrow, and I know what he’s thinking at once.

That would mean coming out of the closet and being honest about our relationship.

It’d open him up to scrutiny.

"I’ll think about it." Romeo pushes out a growl as he massages my leg. "First thing’s first—who wants limoncello?"

Everyone cheers as they stand up. "Only if we can mix it with vodka."

Christian 15


"Look at you go." I bring the race car to Dino’s side. "I’ve never seen a car driver zoom as fast as you."

Dino takes the race car, then makes a motor noise with his lips. "Bzzzzz."

"That’s not the sound that cars make, baby boy."

Dino furrows his brow. "What sounds do they make?"

"Go like this." I puff out my chest, ready to be the best Daddy instructor I can. "Vroom."

Dino’s eyes light up with joy.

He clutches the car as a serious expression forms on his features.