Sliding out of Romeo’s arms, I boop his nose. "I’m heading inside for a shower. We’ll discuss this later."

Romeo’s face falls, and if I wasn’t so sure I was losing it, I'd think he was hurt. "I wanted to run you a bubble bath."

I shake my head. "I appreciate the offer, and believe me, I’m always down for aftercare. But right now, I need a few minutes to myself."

Romeo nods as he helps me off the ground. "I’m at your service."

As I walk away, I can feel Romeo’s hungry eyes on my bare ass that swishes back and forth as I walk.

My heart swells thinking that Romeo wants me, he’s wild about me, and I actually stand a chance at becoming his boy.

Yet the devil on my shoulder tells me that I must keep my own safetynumero uno.

Romeo and I have a long way to go before I let him fully into my heart.



"Wakey, wakey."

I’ve barely opened my eyes from my afternoon nap when my special someone leaps onto me and a hot dick slides between my lips.

I roar, gripping Dino’s hips, plunging his cock deep into my throat, his nuts slapping against my chin, loving every second of his surprise.


My voice is barely intelligible through the mammoth mouthful of cock.

Dino cackles out a laugh as he threads his fingers through my hair. "You looked so peaceful. I almost thought I should let you sleep."

Thank God no one respects the word "almost."

"Wellh, I’m glath you didn’th," I gurgle, sucking Dino’s member raw, savoring the taste of his delicious crown, his loose, floppy foreskin.

When Dino ran away from me in the olive grove, I was certain I’d fucked up in some unquantifiable way.

Confessing my feelings was a mistake—I was sure of it.

However, I thought about it, and I realized that maybe Dino needed to acclimate to me being in his life for real instead of a mere fantasy object.

It’s a big deal to wrap the guy you’re in love with around your pinky.

It’s an even bigger one to be his summer sex toy.

As I ran a bubble bath for myself with some of Medici’s old duckies (yes, I sometimes do that, even at my age), I decided that the best course of action would be to let Dino come to me on his own terms.

He clearly is as nuts about me as I am about him, and I’d be a fool to feel down in the dumps.

I’m glad Dino came around sooner than I thought.

Dino tugs at my hair as he thrusts even deeper down my mouth passage.

"Christ, your throat is moist!"

My right hand snakes around his hips and swats his ass.
