"I didn’t like yours first so we’re even."
"Romeo, Romeo, Romeo," I whisper into the phone—wait.
Who am I kidding?
Yeah, I’m a boy in Italy, but I’m not a sad boi like Elio.
"Romeo," I snap, this time using the tone my mama gave me. "If you don't get to my room to plan out our summer sex schedule, we’re going to have problems."
Romeo is avoiding my calls.
What else is new.
I guess I shouldn’t have barricaded him in Giosuè’s bedroom.
Ryder tosses his stuffy named Chubby Bunny into the air. "Give it a break."
"Yeah." Cyan nods in agreement. "We have it on good authority that Romeo is too grumpy to be a Daddy. You should let it go."
Enzo shakes his head. "Such a shame. I was rooting for you two, but after Daddy told me he hollered at him and his brothers the other night in the bar, I can’t support a man like that."
Clearly, the gossip train left the station without me.
"Unlike you little girls, I don't have time for gossip. I’m too busy trying to get Romeo in my bedroom." I puff my chest out to show them how serious I am.
"Isn’t this Giosuè’s bedroom?" Cyan scratches his temple.
"Giosuè lent it to me for the next month."
"That’s not what Giosuè told me." Enzo is starting to grate on me. "He informed me that you moved in here without anyone’s permission and set up shop."
"We even heard that you came on Giosuè pillow." Ryder glares at me. "That’s so against the Little code."
"Giosuè can say whatever he wants, but he’s lying. I have video proof of him giving me this room for the next month." I crack my neck.
"If Giosuè wants his room back, you owe it to him to leave. It’s his damn personal space, after all." Enzo munches on a Zebra cake.
I put my hands on my hips. "I’m not the type of person who reneges on a promise. It’s the worst character trait. And I don't let other people pull that crap with me, either. If you give me your word, you’d better keep it. And don't spread lies about me behind my back."
Ryder rolls his eyes. "Sensitiiiiiiiive."
Cyan adjusts his beautiful wedding ring. "Daddy says that we should always talk our feelings out. You and Giosuè need to have a heart to heart."
"The one I must have a chat with is Romeo. We’re madly in love except he doesn’t know it yet."
Enzo taps his precious foot on the ground. "Then, tell me why Daddy said Romeo is too grumpy to be in a relationship, hmmmmmm?"
"I can’t read minds." It’s tough deciding which of Giosuè’s brothers’ husbands aggravate my undiagnosed blood pressure issues more. "But I don't think Romeo is grumpy. He’s in his sixties—a little griping comes with the territory at that advanced age."
"Wow." Ryder scowls. "Age shaming your future Daddy. Real low."
"I thought you said Romeo would never be my Daddy." My comeback is lightning fast.
"Enzo’s the one who said that. Not me." Ryder is also quick with his retorts.