Dino’s wearing a green T-shirt that makes his tanned smooth skin even more lickable. A slew of new freckles line his nose and cheeks, which also makes him look like straight up danger.

"Your desk isn’t the most comfortable to wait on."

I pinch the bridge of my nose. "I assumed we’d have our discussion in my bedroom."

"Why, dear man, would you think that?"

I kick my shoes off, then hang my suit coat up. "Okay, Dino. Cut the crap. Tell me if you’re really willing to go forward with this summer sex plan."

When I turn back around, Dino is licking a lollipop. "I think so. It depends on how you treat me tonight."

I watch the way his pink tongue swirls around the candy, then claw back a groan. Dino has no idea how tempting he is. His body is the lollipop, so delicious and kissable, and I want to lick every inch.

My dick hardens in my briefs and I fight like hell not to let Dino see. Turning to the side, I adjust myself, grunting and growling.

Dino shoots me a look. "Bruh."

"Don't bruh me."

"We’re going to be having sex. Don't hide your boner."

"I’m not hiding my boner."

"You’re doing it as we speak."

"Am not."

"Are too."

"Am not." I tug my hand out of my suit pants.

Dino tucks a strand of hair over his left ear. "This isn’t going to work if you’re ashamed of your body’s reactions. It’s natural to get hard around another man who’s been waiting for you on your desk. A man who finds you very attractive indeed."

Dino licks his lollipop again and I have to fight to resist the urge to punch a hole in the wall.

My temples pulse as warm fuzzies flurry around inside me.

"Get that lollipop out of your mouth." I try to sound stern, but my threat is pure marshmallow fluff.

I think it’s because I’m two seconds away from jumping Dino’s bones and mauling him with kisses.

It’s impossible to reign in my lust.

Dino kisses the sucker. "I have a tentative agreement I whipped up in my backpack. Let me grab it."

Dino scampers off the desk, then tugs out a stack of papers as thick as my cock out of his biggest pocket. "We’ll explore this list of kinks and you’ll end every sex session by cuddling me. Taking me out for a fancy dinner or buying me nice pastries isn’t off the table, either. I know my worth, I’m not some boy who throws himself at a man and doesn’t expect anything in return. Billionaires would pay top dollar for this ass. I expect you to do the same."

I take the papers out of his hands. "There are at least fifty pages in this thing."

"It took ChatGPT ten whole minutes to write it."

"Did you run it by a lawyer, too?"

Dino shoots me an unimpressed glare. "That’s for me to know and you to find out."

"I want to find out."

"A magician never reveals his secrets."