I nodded. “More than anything but I want her to be all of ours. Take my name. Both of you. I know it’s fast but it feels right. I don’t want to ask Olivia about it yet though. She’s been through so much already and to rip away the connection with her parents, I won’t do that until, if ever, she’s ready. I’ll keep fostering and wait for the right time.” I wanted her to be comfortable with everything, Cody too.

“I hate my name so I’m down,” Val said.

“I would love to be a Dremest,” Corbin replied. “When?”

“Sunday,” I rushed out. “Let’s do it here. I did some research. Anyone can perform the ceremony since it’s not legal. We can pick out rings tomorrow. I found a jeweler who will size them for us right away or get them delivered, whatever we choose.”

“You’ve really been thinking about this, haven’t you?” Corbin asked, a small smile lifting his lips.

I nodded. “Ever since you were shot. I want us to be permanent. To be together in every way.”

Val slapped the side of my ass. “Well, we better get cleaned up, because we have a shit ton of calls to make. Gotta make sure everyone can get here on Sunday. Maybe we can get Dana to cater.” I could imagine the drool pooling in Val’s mouth.

Carefully, I climbed off Corbin, gently dragging my fingers over his wound, which no longer needed to be bandaged.

“I’m okay,” he said softly.

“I know.” It would always be a reminder of what could have happened. If we were somewhere else, if the bullet hit the femoral artery instead. If more shots had been fired.

My ass was sore when I stood. I held my hand out for Corbin to help him from the bed. He didn’t need me to do so but allowed me to take care of him. He knew I needed it. Val was there by my side, his fingers sliding over my bare waist. Together the three of us got into the shower and cleaned each other between kisses.

We made a list once we were dry and dressed so we could divide and conquer. My first call was to Dexen, who yelled in my ear when I told him what we had planned. I didn’t think I’d ever heard my brother yell like that before. His joy was deep, so profound for me. I heard him sniffle on the other end of the phone. He said to consider the food done. He’d ask Dana but even if Dana couldn’t be there, he was certain some of his other staff could be. Dexen said he’d handle the whole food portion from tables to cutlery to whatever we needed.

I stood in the backyard, at the edge of the stone patio where it met the grass. My phone vibrated in my hand with text messages. I had already called my parents, who were beyond elated. I had other calls to make but a feeling came over me.

With my eyes on the sky, I started talking to Sasha. I didn’t believe in heaven or hell, but I knew she was watching me in that moment from wherever she was.

“I’ll never forget you, Sash. I’ll never forget the way you loved me and I you. My heart is big enough to love again. To love Val and Corbin. You were my first and they’ll be my last. I’ll always carry a piece of you with me.”

My chin quivered, emotions rising to the surface as tears stung my eyes. “I love you. The time I shared with you was some of the happiest in my life. I still think I feel you sometimes in the way the wind blows or when the scent of jasmine catches on the air. But I have to let you go now, Sash. It’s not easy.” I sucked in a breath; tears rolled down my cheeks. I quickly brushed them away. “I held on to you for long enough. I hope you’re free and happy wherever you are. Bye, Sash.”

My chin fell to my chest as sobs wracked my body. I cried for all I’d lost, for the love I never got to see into my future. I let it all out because Sasha was my past. My present and future belonged wholly to Corbin and Val. I had so much love in me that I brought Cody and Olivia into our fold too. We were a family, the five of us.

I heard them before I felt them, my men surrounding me, holding me tight as they let me mourn one last time for Sasha. They never questioned my love for them or asked if they were second place. They knew they were my priorities. I told them every day how much I loved and needed them.

We were taking the next step to solidify our bond. In two days, these men would commit their lives to mine, and I’d do the same to them.



“Where are the kids?” I asked.

Val sighed and turned toward me. “I get that you’re a lot older than him, but Cody is only five years younger than me. Every time you call him a kid, I cringe.”

“Shit, I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking.” I reached for Val and pulled him into my arms. To me, they were kids, though I saw his point.

“You’re going to wrinkle his shirt,” Xaiden said, coming toward us.

We were dressed somewhat informally for our ceremony. Since it was nearing the end of June and hot out, we decided to wear slacks with a short-sleeved button-down. I had on a pair of white pants with a sand-colored linen shirt. Xaiden’s comment about wrinkles made sense, but I also didn’t really care.

Val looked delicious in a pair of skinny pale blue pants that complemented his eyes. His shirt was white and fit his body well. Xaiden had an ass I wanted to grab when I saw him in his soft pink pants and white shirt. Did we match? It was debatable but we wanted to be comfortable and each wear different colors. Honestly, the outfits didn’t matter, only the ceremony did.

My leg wasn’t a hundred percent yet, but I was feeling better than I had been and didn’t need to lean on the cane any longer. I hadn’t been back to work yet. My job was demanding and required me to be on my feet. I wanted to be where I was before the accident, then I would start seeing patients again.

The door to our bedroom pushed open and JJ filled the space. His light tan pants, white shirt, and matching jacket transformed the casual appearance I was used to seeing. “Who’s ready to get married? Wait, it’s not a marriage. Get committed sounds wrong, like we’re going to take you in to a hospital. Whatever. Are you ready?”

Val pointed at him. “You better not fuck this up, Jay.”