“Not at all.” I quickly moved to the side, giving him room. It was a good thing my glass was empty, or I might have spilled it in my haste to slide over. Really, I wanted to get closer not farther away.

He sat and pushed from the ground with his strong legs to get the swing swaying. “Corbin…”


“Just saying your name out loud.”

“And yours is Xaiden or would you prefer I call you X? I’ve noticed they either call you one or the other.”

Xaiden looked at me. Gorgeous blue eyes framed by copper lashes that matched his hair. Scruff covered his jaw and upper lip. He was stunning. “You’re a doctor, right?”

“I am.”

“That means you’re good at keeping things private, right?”

“With my patients, I have to.” Was he about to ask me a medical question? At least then I wouldn’t slip up and say something I shouldn’t. Like how I wondered what his cum would taste like, or if I would be able to deep throat him, or maybe I would gag like the amateur I was.

“I’m not one of your patients but I like to know the people I let into my inner circle are trustworthy.” That had me sitting up straighter.

“You… you want to get to know me better?”

“I do. You’re different than everyone else, though you do remind me a little of Greer with how kind you are. He’s a big marshmallow. I imagine you as someone who gives really good hugs.”

I smiled. “I do like to hug.” My face heated. Why did I say that?

“JJ trusts you. You helped my friends when they needed it. You’re a good guy.”

“I try to be.”

Xaiden tipped his head back and closed his eyes. He kicked his feet off the ground again to swing us gently. “It’s quieter over here.”

“That many people can be a lot.”

“At my house, you hear nothing but the sounds of nature, wildlife, and the breeze when the wind kicks up, usually in winter or when a storm rolls in. It’s nice, but it can be too much if that makes sense.”

“It does. I live in East Dremest and while it’s a good area and I can hear the birds sing, when I look out my window, I see a few trees but also there are more condos. A parking lot. People. I like to decompress and tuck myself inside when I’m not working.”

He turned his head toward me. “You can decompress at my house.”

“How many beers have you had?” I wasn’t sure if he was asking because he wanted me there, or if the alcohol made him speak about things he normally wouldn’t.

“One over the hours I’ve been here. I don’t want to crash here for the night and listen to my brother, Greer, and JJ go at it, so I’ve been watching how much I have. I want to drive home safely.”

I nodded. “I might take you up on your offer.”



“Call me Xaiden.”

Grinning, I said, “I like your full name. Not the there’s anything wrong with them calling you X.”

“My family calls me Xaiden. There was one person who wasn’t family who did, but I can’t go there right now.”

“I noticed Val calls you it.”

He shook his head and smiled. “There’s something about him. He hits you with the truth. He said he wasn’t calling me X. I told him he could call me Xaiden. It’s like the people with my full name have a right to know me on another level. Like they get to dig deeper than anyone else, even the friends I’ve known for years.” The weight of his words wasn’t lost on me.